Welcome to the Organ Forum Preview. The Organ Forum is the place to exchange information and opinions on all aspects of The King Instruments.
The two primary purposes of the Preview are:
1. Get your feedback as to how the Organ Forum can be improved.
2. Discover and eliminate problems that might exist with the Organ Forum Software.
The Organ Forum Preview is open to all for viewing and posting. If you wish to post, you must first create a membership account. There is no charge for this. Once you have a membership, you may log in and post new threads or reply to existing threads as well as maintain your user profile.
During the preview please check the Announcements and Forum Info groups to learn of new features and changes that are likely to occur frequently during the preview period.
The Forum Info Group is where you should post your questions and suggestions.
We hope you'll find The Organ Forum a useful and entertaining resource.
The two primary purposes of the Preview are:
1. Get your feedback as to how the Organ Forum can be improved.
2. Discover and eliminate problems that might exist with the Organ Forum Software.
The Organ Forum Preview is open to all for viewing and posting. If you wish to post, you must first create a membership account. There is no charge for this. Once you have a membership, you may log in and post new threads or reply to existing threads as well as maintain your user profile.
During the preview please check the Announcements and Forum Info groups to learn of new features and changes that are likely to occur frequently during the preview period.
The Forum Info Group is where you should post your questions and suggestions.
We hope you'll find The Organ Forum a useful and entertaining resource.