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Mark All Threads Read & Read Thread Indicators

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  • Mark All Threads Read & Read Thread Indicators

    I've just applied a software patch that is supposed to fix the various problems with the Mark All Threads Read command. In the past, threads you've read have often come back as being indicated as unread after a period of time. As a result, it was difficult to determine which forums and threads had new posts. It also broke the Threads I have not read shortcut.

    I suggest that you visit each topic in the forum and click the Mark All Threads Read button. From then on, the read thread indicators should reflect the correct state.


    Allen 965
    Zuma Group Midi Keyboard Encoder
    Zuma Group DM Midi Stop Controller
    Hauptwerk 4.2

  • #2
    Re: Mark All Threads Read & Read Thread Indicators

    is there a way of doing this with all threads in all areas at the same time? I keep having the various threads I have read show back up as unread?

    (Mac OS X here)



    • #3
      Re: Mark All Threads Read & Read Thread Indicators

      You need to use the Mark All Threads read option once for each
      Forum. Unfortunately, there is no way to do this globally with a
      single click. You'll have to visit each Forum and do it
      individually. Once you've done this, you should not see threads
      (Topics in Forum parlance) marked unread unless a new post has been
      added to it. This is what the patch is supposed to fix.

      own experience since the patch was applied has been that the thread
      indicators and the Posts I Have Not Read shortcut are working
      properly. SInce this functionality is implemented on our server,
      everyone should have the same experience regardless of the OS or
      browser they're using when it comes to this particular feature.

      If you're not seeing an improvement now, please let me know.


      Allen 965
      Zuma Group Midi Keyboard Encoder
      Zuma Group DM Midi Stop Controller
      Hauptwerk 4.2


      • #4
        Re: Mark All Threads Read & Read Thread Indicators

        is there a time frame on how long it takes to implement the "mark all as read"?

        I went thru the first 4 areas and marked them as read but after refreshing the main page there was no change?  I'll post again if they show up as "read".  thanks!


        • #5
          Re: Mark All Threads Read & Read Thread Indicators

          The folder icons on the main page can take a few hours to change as
          they are cached. Local cache settings on your browser can also
          come into play. The thread icons themselves should be speedier to
          show the correct state and you'll see an immediate change the content
          of the Posts I Have Not Read shortcut after doing a Mark All Threads


          Allen 965
          Zuma Group Midi Keyboard Encoder
          Zuma Group DM Midi Stop Controller
          Hauptwerk 4.2


          • #6
            Re: Mark All Threads Read & Read Thread Indicators

            it doesn't work for me.

            I go thru and mark everything as read manualy on each individual thread or as a group ..

            if I mark each thread individually it will be marked as read and go to a lighter shade of gray for the session but next time I open it up in another computer it shows up as unread.  (I use about 3 different computers (at least) during the day so its hard for me to rely on my own computer cache or whatever it is to view something as read).

            oh well I'll just go back to scanning each thread manually to keep an eye on whats new.

            thanks though!


            • #7
              Re: Mark All Threads Read & Read Thread Indicators

              This may be an issue with your browser cache settings. I don't
              currently have a Mac or access to Safari so I can't tell you what to
              try in this regard. (Except maybe, stop drinking the Apple
              Kool-Aid and use FIreFox[;)] )

              I too use multiple computers through out the day, and the read
              state is being reflected properly on all of them. As I said, the
              read posts information for each user is stored on the server, so with
              the possible of exception of your browser cache misbehaving, your
              experience should be no different than mine.

              Here's something
              try. Pick a forum and use the Mark All Threads Read option.
              Then click on Posts I have not read in the Shortcuts Menu, select that
              Forum the drop down and view the results. There should be no
              posts listed. When you next see a post you have read in that
              Forum marked as unread go to the Posts I have not read shortcut, select
              that Forum from the drop down and check for existance of that post in
              the list. If it's not there, then this is an issue with your
              browser cache.

              this may seem obvious, but I have to ask: you are aware that
              threads marked read will be marked as unread if a new post is added to
              the thread or an existing post is edited?


              Allen 965
              Zuma Group Midi Keyboard Encoder
              Zuma Group DM Midi Stop Controller
              Hauptwerk 4.2


              • #8
                Re: Mark All Threads Read & Read Thread Indicators

                well its been several days, the threads I go thru and mark individually as read by clicking on them still pop back as unread.

                I really miss that feature, I hope you can get it to work on safari someday!


                • #9
                  Re: Mark All Threads Read & Read Thread Indicators

                  well I've dug into it more, Safari does not remember historys (web pages visited) for more than 24 hours, especially if you put your computer to sleep rather than restarting. (almost all Mac users just put thier computers to sleep, turning a computer off is pretty foreign to most mac users although I know many windows users still have to do it alot).

                  Does the same thing on Firefox as well unless you change the default history preferences to go back in time.

                  I do prefer using Safari for all my webbrowsing. I do double check my webpages I make so they work correctly on Windows I.E. and Firefox and even Netscape but I myself just prefer Safari.  I do hope someday a future update can bring back the "remembered" forums section as presently its quite a chore to have to read thru every topic to see what is going on etc.  


                  • #10
                    Re: Mark All Threads Read & Read Thread Indicators

                    Page visit history is different from page cacheing and I suspect that you have a cacheing issue with your browser.

                    I asked this before, but didn't get an answer (post 27890), do these previously read threads actually show up in thePosts You Have Not Read shortcut view or are they just marked incorrectly in the main view?

                    I've had the opportunity to log into the Forum on many different machines, including one in an airport inCosta Rica last week, and I've yet to see a thread marked unread that I've read previously since employing this fix. Again, this state is maintained on the server, so why your experience is different than mine, and why this fix has made the situation worse than previously for you, is a complete mystery to me.

                    We may have to set up a controlled experiment to get to the bottom of this problem, but answer my question about the shortcut view first, please.


                    Allen 965
                    Zuma Group Midi Keyboard Encoder
                    Zuma Group DM Midi Stop Controller
                    Hauptwerk 4.2


                    • #11
                      Re: Mark All Threads Read & Read Thread Indicators


                      I wasn't referring to "posts not read" area,
                      just to the highlighting that goes away when you look (click on) a
                      specific thread discussion.

                      After you click on that
                      thread on my browswers it goes from black to a medium gray for threads
                      that are recent. And to a light gray for threads that are older.

                      was my habit to keep up with the forum just by watching which posts
                      showed up on the main forum page in "black" type. But the changes
                      made the black type show up every 24 hours no matter if a particular
                      thread was clicked on or not.

                      used to if you clicked
                      on a thread it would go "gray" and stay gray no matter what browser or
                      computer I was using to look at a page, or am I imagining that?

                      main issue is I use at least 2 computers to look a the forum, one at
                      home, and one at work. Sometimes I use two different computers at
                      home, especially if I'm recording on the pipe organ I'll use a older
                      laptop (a old ibook running osx) to surf the web during particularly
                      long pieces ....anyhow back on topic, I use alot of computers to look
                      at the page.

                      I think I have figured it out though by
                      changing the preferences in Firefox to remember visited links for 300
                      days rather than the default of 2 days or whatever it is that it was
                      set at.

                      Unfortunately on Safari there is no easy way
                      of changing the # of days a page is visited befoer it shows up as a new
                      page again. UNLESS you go in and change with the source code on
                      Safari, which is something I'm leary of doing.

                      I'm getting used to it now and think I have it figured out. I
                      know its a huge headache to try to get things to work to where eveyrone
                      is happy... the forum is doing fantastic and looks great!!!!!!!!!!!!!




                      • #12
                        Re: Mark All Threads Read & Read Thread Indicators

                        Ok. I think I'm following you.

                        Let's define some terms:

                          [*]Forum Groups: These contain
                          Forums. For example Organ Music is a Forum group containing the
                          Classical, Liturgical, Theatre, etc. Forums.

                          [*]Forums: These are contained in a Forum Group and have
                          folder icon next to them on the main page. A folder icon with a page in
                          it means there are posts that you have not read in the Forum. An
                          empty folder icon means there are no unread posts in that forum. The
                          text in the Last Post Read column is a link to the last post added to
                          the Forum. It is not an indication of whether there are unread
                          posts in that Forum.

                          [*]Topics: These are contained within a Forum and have a page
                          icon next to them. If the icon is in color, the Topic contains
                          posts you have not read. If the page icon is gray, it means there
                          are no unread posts in that topic. You can optionally hide Topics
                          with no unread posts so that they won't appear in the Forum unless
                          there is an unread post in them.
                          [*]Posts: These are the individual messages contained in a
                          Topic. When a new post is added to a topic, the Topic's page icon
                          changes to a color version, and the Topic's Forum folder icon will
                          contain a page.

                          So, it should be clear that the easiest way to determine if new
                          posts exists is to look at the Forums folder icon. If it is shown
                          containing a page, enter that Forum to view the Topics. If a
                          Topic has unread posts, the page icon will be in color. Click on
                          that topic to see the new posts.

                          Tip: Change the display order of the posts to display the newest one's first. Saves a lot of scrolling.

                          Until the recent fix, the state of these icons was
                          unreliable. They often indicated new posts when there were
                          none. The icons are now reliable.

                          Apart from the visual cues provided by the icons, you can use the Posts You Have Not Read shortcut to, err..., see a list of all the posts you have not read which you can then click on, read and respond to.

                          you can receive email notifications when new posts are added to topics
                          you determine to be of special interest, or use the RSS feature for the
                          same purpose, but that's a whole 'nother topic.

                          Does that help or am I still missing the point?


                        Allen 965
                        Zuma Group Midi Keyboard Encoder
                        Zuma Group DM Midi Stop Controller
                        Hauptwerk 4.2




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