Hi all,</p>
Yesterday I had the great privilege of having a 1-hour lesson on the magnificent new organ at Christ Episcopal Church, Rochester, NY where my teacher (Stephen Kennedy) is the director of music. I got some excellent snapshots of the organ which I have posted to my gallery and will copy here. Here is the story of the construction, finished in 2008, from the Eastman website. http://www.esm.rochester.edu/eroi/c-s.php</p>
Yesterday I played movements one and two of JS Bach's Trio Sonata III, as well as Mendelssohn's organ sonata XVIII (Berlin-Krakow Mss.) For the first movement I used the facade stops-8' HW principal, and 4' POS principal and flute, played 8vb. For the second movement, I used the 8' flute on the HW for the left hand, and the 8' Vox Humana and 8' Flute with tremulant on the POS. For the Mendelssohn, I used the Gt. principal chorus (16'-mixtures) with Trumpet at certain parts, and a nice full pedal with 16' and 8' reeds.
Also at Christ Church, this is a statue of St. David that sits directly
over the console. No, the harp does not play, but behind it you can see
the bells of the Glockenspiel stop</p>
Inside of the church, viewed from the organ loft. </p>[img]/photos/philip_the_organist/images/81876/original.aspx[/img]
This shows the extreme right facade at Christ Church, with a stained-glass window behind.</p>
Stoplist for the organ:</p>
And finally, a pic of the whole case, scanned from a pamphlet announcing the 2009 EROI festival. Sorry for the poor quality, but it does give a sense of perspective.</p>
I hope you enjoyed this e-trip to what is arguably the best organ in the Central German style in this country. I know I sure enjoyed my visit yesterday.