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The cremation of an organ carcass

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  • The cremation of an organ carcass

    This Forum is far too quiet so I will tell you about the demise of an organ in my back yard...

    Last weekend I did the evil deed of cremating the remains of an old dusted, busted and neglected Lowrey TLOR which had been left outside exposed to the elements for what appears to be centuries. The innards were plundered, speakers ripped out etc - as one would expect to find on an unfortunate old instrument like this. At the time I had thought that some of the innards might be worth salvaging and carted it home but I was badly mistaken. Literally nothing was worth saving except for a screw here and there. So the keyboards, amp and other electronic stuff went to the pile destined for "electronic salvage" and was collected by an enthusiastic entrepreneur. I was left with the case which was really in bad shape - so bad that the trash removals would not even take it away.

    So after preparing mentally for a bit I made a small fire in the back yard and carefully added to the eager flames pieces of this poor old Lowrey. When the evil deed was done, I looked at the pile of ashes with regret - such a pity that a once beautifully sounding instrument should end up in a pile of ashes. Rest in peace Lowrey!

    Won't be doing that anytime again soon...:-(

    "Don't make war, make music!" Hammonds, Lowreys, Yamaha's, Gulbransens, Baldwin, Technics, Johannus. Reed organs. Details on request... B-)

  • #2
    Seamaster will be happy ! LOL . . .

