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ORGANS - Experiences that you have had or have playing in public, church, or home, your favorites

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  • #61
    Oh dear, that sounds like a nerve wrecking moment!

    When I switched the organ on for practice on Saturday, I found that my main register had problems, and so had to find creative ways to not use it in certain keys. Since my organ only has four registers for the manual, that was quite a thing, but since I already found out one day before the service, it was fine. The organ builder will come some time this week to fix it. I hope :-)


    • #62
      I've had organ dreams, musikfan, but nightmares about everything being re-arranged are yet to come. One night, I dreamed about two pipe organs in the corner of a room, and they sounded really haunting and one of them had moving figurines on it. Just last night, I dreamed about an organ I'm buying this weekend. I often dream about the GA3 I play at the music store weekly, and I sometimes dream about some of the sings I play.

      You are never too young or old to enjoy playing the organ!

      There's no right or wrong way, it's however YOU want to play!

      Current Organs:
      Technics SX-GA3
      Technics SX-EA1
      Magnus chord organ, model unknown
      Lowrey TG-1 Magic Teenie Genie (recently given by a friend)

      Past Organs:
      Lowrey TG-1 Magic Teenie Genie
      Magnus 8200 chord organ

      Organ Lessons on Yamaha Electone HS6 in 1998-99


      • #63
        Its been a long time since I posted here, but I would like to share my first experience of playing the organ for an entire Holy Eucharist about a week ago. In the Episcopal church, we have a group of people that meet at place called the Episcopal-Lutheran campus ministry or The House, formerly called Canterbury House. It is a place where us college students meet once a week for fellowship, worship, study, food, and conversation. Once a year, the campus ministry plans a Sunday to lead the entire service with each of us with different roles. One served as a Eucharistic Minister, another did the readings, and even another did the sermon that day. I knew exactly what I was going to do and that was to accompany the congregation on the organ. I was even allowed to pick the hymns for that Sunday as well. I was pretty nervous, more like on-my-toes that day but when I started the prelude I started to loosen up from that point foreward. It sure takes a lot of hustling to get the music in order and to be ready when to start playing. Despite a few mistakes, I did get many compliments after the service. I'm just glad I experienced it. And as our music minister told me "you only learn when you actually do it." Now I know what to expect the next time, whenever that'll be. I used to get really nervous when I did solos when I was in my High School Wind Ensemble (I played the Oboe for eight years), but I no longer do.


        • #64
          Good deal, Grayson! I hope you'll have many more opportunities to play for a service. It does get easier and you feel much more relaxed and confident once you begin playing regularly for church. Keep up the good work!
          *** Please post your questions about technical service or repair matters ON THE FORUM. Do not send your questions to me or another member by private message. Information shared is for the benefit of the entire organ community, but other folks will not be helped by information we exchange in private messages!



          • #65
            Originally posted by Grayson Cordova View Post
            Once a year, the campus ministry plans a Sunday to lead the entire service with each of us with different roles. One served as a Eucharistic Minister, another did the readings, and even another did the sermon that day. I knew exactly what I was going to do and that was to accompany the congregation on the organ. I was even allowed to pick the hymns for that Sunday as well.

            What a neat idea! I like the idea of having youth lead the service once per year. Mat I steal that idea for the youth at our church?

            I'm sure you did well. It wasn't until I was in college I realized my skills were anything out of the ordinary--I thought everyone could play an instrument if they just tried. Hopefully, you realize you have a rare gift to share, and will consider sharing with others more and more.

            Thank you so much for the idea.

            Way too many organs to list, but I do have 5 Allens:
            • MOS-2 Model 505-B / ADC-4300-DK / ADC-5400 / ADC-6000 (Symphony) / ADC-8000DKC
            • Lowrey Heritage (DSO-1)
            • 11 Pump Organs, 1 Pipe Organ & 7 Pianos


            • #66
              Thanks for sharing this, Grayson :-)


              • #67
                Here's an interesting story for y'all!

                In 1987 when I was 18 years old, my high school band director asked me to play piano at his wedding which was the summer after I graduated. By now I had started taking off with organ playing and was quickly falling in love with it. Anyway, I got to the church very early for the wedding rehearsal. Upon entering, I saw this beautiful Rogers electric/pipe combination organ. As with most churches, I was in the habit of just helping myself to the organ if I could have any chance at all to play it. So, I made my way up to the organ loft and found the console to be locked. I started searching for a key -in the bench, under the bench, under the organ.. I was feeling around under the keydesk and my fingers hit something, but alas it was not a key! After a few minutes, I gave up the search and returned back downstairs and started playing the piano. About 10 minutes later, 2 police officers entered the church and came up to me and said "We're here because there was a report of an alarm that was activated, somewhere in the vicinity of the organ". I looked at them and said, "I have no idea what you're talking about". Well, it turned out that there was a silent alarm under the keydesk of the organ which was installed there by the church organist because she would often practice later in the evening. Here I had set it off when I was fumbling around under the key desk trying to find a key. The organist was NOT happy with me at all when she found out. About a month later, I received a bill in the mail for 15.00 which was the cost of the police officers having to come out to the church to investigate what happened. My band director and all my friends who attended the wedding never let me live it down, even over 20 years later! Curiosity didn't kill the cat, but it definitely got him in trouble.

                Hammond L143 with Leslie 760




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