This has absolutely nothing to do with organs, but I believe our decidedly clever members here might enjoy the following puzzle website:</p></p>
The idea is to move a given item from the workspace to the goal by creating a contraption using directional motors, free wheels, and two types of structural struts. The software is I believe flash-based, and is convincingly accurate about the physics of the machines you create, although it could use a good optimization for folks with slower machines - the more parts the slower it gets. (I have a 1.2 ghz IBook with 1.25 gigs of RAM and it's fine, but a PIII450 just won't cut it, except maybe with lots of RAM).</p>
So, if you're looking to spend lots of time you don't have on a shameless online addiction, this site is for you! (C:</p>
- Nate </p>