I had car trouble yesterday and had to pull off the freeway during rush hour; while waiting for help I pondered the implications of missingthat evening'srehearsal. I alsoworried abouthowI'd be able tofunction without a car during this ridiculously busy week. A flatbed truck came to pick up the car; while the emptycar was being winched up onto the flatbed, the cable snapped! As we were on a steep incline the car began to roll away at a good clip. Unfortunately, we were also on on a blind curve - oncoming traffic couldn't see us until they were nearly upon the scene.</P>
As the cartook off down the hill towards the busy freewayIran after itas fast as possible - very hard to do, sinceI had a heavysatchel of music under my arm. I grabbed the handle of the passenger (right) side door and got it open, but as soon as the door hit its stopping pointI was yanked quite forcefully by the accelerating car, as ifbeingflungby acatapult.Islid a good distanceon the gravel and tore up some skin. I was lucky to have been thrown away from, rather thanunder the car.</P>
Even though I had the wind knocked out of me I wasfrantic at the sight of the empty carheading towardsfive lanes of 70mph traffic!</P>
The fellow who operated the winch was somehow able to make it to the emergency brake. I don't know how in the world he was able to catch the car in time, and I don't know how he was even able to run along that side of the car asthere was so little space between my car and thespeedingtraffic.</P>
I have a ton of rehearsals and concertsin the next two weeks (plus Holy Week) -not a good time to be out of commission!I feel a bit battered and have asore leg today, but in all I'd say I'm just happy to be in one piece! [:S]</P>
I'm off to rehearsals for the rest of the day, so I'll catch up with you all later tonight.</P>