This one is mostly for the other RCs on this Forum:</P>
I think that my parish is becoming inappropriately indulgent of "commercials" during the announcement portion of the Mass. I admit to being ignorant of the official liturgical guidelines. But please allow me to present an example. Let's say the parish girlscout troup is selling cookies in front of the church after Mass. (This raises other legal and zoning issues - but not now.) I think it is okay for the lector to say along with the other Mass announcements: "Please support our girlscouts who are selling cookies in front of church after Mass." What I think is NOT okay is to say: "And how here is one of our parish girlscouts to take three minutes of your time to tell you about their cookie sale and all the wonderful programs that the proceeds support." I find it offensive to be forced, as a captive audience, to listen to soliciting during Mass, no matter how noble the cause. (I would make an exception for a visiting missionary who is giving the homily about his mission and asking for financial aid - once a year.)</P>
Okay: So am I being curmudgeonly or am I expressing respect and good taste regrading the Mass?</P>
Thank you!</P>