I picked up an Allen C-1 with an Allen Type 90 "flute" speaker, but cannot get any sound from the speaker. I figured out how to connect it so the speaker turns and I can vary the speed, but still get no sound. On the right side of the cabinet, going up to the rotating speaker contact rings, is a small metal box with a transformer on it, marked "<U>amp</U> <U>com</U> <U>com</U> <U>lo</U> <U>hi</U>". There is a separate line (?) cord running to it, connected to "com & com". The wire was just hangingloose when I got the speaker, so I assumed (perhaps incorrectly!) that this should have a male 110v connector on it. When I plug it into the mains, I get an extremely loud "hum". Perhaps this should be connected somewhere else?</P>
Any help will be appreciated!!</P>
Also, I need to get another speaker for the "diapason"; any suggestions as to what might work would be greatly appreciated!!</P>