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If it sounds too good to be true...

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  • If it sounds too good to be true...

    I'd like to share something with the forum.

    Friday afternoon while idly browsing a local South African online auction site, I came across an ad for a Baldwin Howard D-910 organ (with no picture) up for auction with no bids and starting bid at R834 (+- $100) and the reserve was not met. I did some research using information I found on this forum and a couple of other sources and found this to be a real steal. </p>

    This is what I found out about the D-910:

    It had built-in MIDI out for keying data, an AGO spec console with 2 expression pedals which i could easily add midi to using a linear pot and encoder board for my home HW console. It said it needed some electronic repairs, but I wasn't too concerned about that, as I only planned to use the MIDI capabilities.</p>

    I decided to bid up to R1200, and won the auction at a price of R1000 which was the reserve amount. I was the only bidder.</p>

    Here is an edited extract from the e-mail conversation I had with the buyer:</p>


    From: Auction site</p>

    To: me </p>

    Dear Kevin,
    You've won the auction 14x1x6xxx sold by SELLER.
    Baldwin Howard Model D-910 organ
    Your winning bid was R1,000.00.
    Check the contact details we have for you are up to date (see below).</p>


    From: Me</p>

    To: Seller</p>

    Hi Seller
    As per the email below, I have won the auction of the Baldwin Howard Model D-910 organ. Could you please send me pictures of the organ for me to confirm the model number. Also, I would like to arrange collection and payment. Please advise how you would prefer it to be done.


    From: Seller</p>

    To: Me</p>

    Hi Kevin
    I will make a plan to mail you a photo. I stay in XYZ, you can collect at any time in the week as there is somebody at home during the day. You can pay on collection.


    From: Me</p>

    To: Seller</p>

    Hi Seller
    Thank you for your email. I look forward to the photo.
    How urgently would I need to collect?
    Kevin. </p>


    From: Seller</p>

    To: Me</p>

    You can collect as soon as you can, I'm in no rush. It currently stands in our house. So no rush.
    Thanks and Regards</p>


    From: Me</p>

    To: Seller</p>

    Just to confirm that it is a Baldwin-Howard D-910, it does have 2x 61 note manual keyboards with a 32 note pedal board with 2 volume/expression pedals?
    Does it include a bench? any external speakers?
    Kevin. </p>

    ============= </p>

    From: Seller</p>

    To: Me </p>

    HI just had a look again. I had the wrong name at work. Its a Yamaha Electone Model D-7. I'm extremely sorry!!!!!! </p>


    One can understand how a model number can be confused, but the Brand! (even for those not interested in organs). </p>

    South Africa is flooded with similar Yamaha Electone spinets. I had one for a while, and had to play on one in church for 10 years. IMO, they should all be burned.</p>

    I have informed the auction site about this, but I don't think anything else can be done about it except that the entire transaction just be cancelled.</p>

    It's so disappointing.

  • #2
    Re: If it sounds too good to be true...

    aw.....thanks for posting that..sorry it wasn't what it was advertised as. Good you waited to pay UNTIL picking up in person and at least are out no money!


    • #3
      Re: If it sounds too good to be true...

      I answered a local newspaper ad one evening very excited to locate a 3 manual Conn spinet (which I have since acquired in reality) only to have the seller direct me to the side of the living room where sat a very early 3 manual Yamaha (the kind with the colored sliders) which at the time was of no interest to me whatsover.</P>

      I did later purchase one of those great digital Yamaha 3 manuals and donated it to a church after the hurricane disaster of 2004 - 2005. But one should never rely upon the seller's knowledge. There are many cases where they are selling an organ that belongs to someone else in the family (or one they've acquired cheaply for resale) and most are honestly posting today that they don't know anything about organs.</P>

      Buyer Beware!</P>


      • #4
        Re: If it sounds too good to be true...

        I had a similar experience 2 times</P>

        One was on Craigslist. It was advertised as a Conn 653 in excellent condition with 3x 61 note manuals and 32 pedals. OH MY!!!!!!!! I would kill for one at $300</P>

        We go out to look. Aparently he had it wrong. It was a Con rhapsody from the 50s. 2 44 note manuals and 25 pedals. Painted black with like 10 stops. HOW DO YOU MESS IT UP THAT BAD???? NOT only did he get the pedals wrong, but the number of keyboards???? It was gouged up and the speaker grill cloth was chewed up. Sounded like crap.</P>

        Then another one came up, this time, an " Very large allen theatre organ from the 70s." free. I go out, and it is a spinet wurlitzer from the 60s. Those real boring looking 12 pedal, 44 note keyboards in the over fancy cases with red, black and white tabs. </P>
        <P mce_keep="true"></P>

        PEOPLE- get it right before you post!!!!!! You cant get that off without lying just to get someone out to see it.</P>


        • #5
          Re: If it sounds too good to be true...

          kevin_sa, wow what a waste of time! I hate that when people really do not bother to get the details right.</p>

          It's like being promised to play a nice three manual Mander organ for a wedding only to find out when you arrive it is this you have to play your Widor Toccata on. It can make people very angry.... [:@]

