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What's an Allen 903 worth?

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  • What's an Allen 903 worth?

    Not this one...

    But one just like it local to me?</P>

    As I understand it, it is MOS-1 technology, but it is in perfect working condition and the furniture is near mint.</P>

    I need an answer soon please!</P>

  • #2
    Re: What's an Allen 903 worth?


    Like any old MOS organ, or anything else that old, not much actual retail value. But that was a grand one in its day. About as good as MOS gets until you get into the custom stuff.</P>

    For a parts hound, it would be worth quite a bit for the MOS parts -- there areactually thousands of dollars worth of boards in there, since it has 3 completely independent "computers" inside, which is to say three of each of the essential MOS components. But, these parts areold and there's no way to know how good they are, whether or not they've been exposed to a power surge, for example. So, one couldn't necessarily value it based on the boards inside.</P>

    And, as I've often said on this forum, if I were to sell such an organ to a church -- delivered, installed with new speakers, voiced and properly set up, with some kind of warranty -- I'd probably ask several thousand dollars just because it costs me so much to get one installed, and I'm taking some risk in putting a warranty on it.</P>

    But none of that really answers your question if you're thinking of buying one... I guess it's worth whatever you and the seller can agree on.... If it's a church trying to get rid of it, they might consider themselves lucky to find someone willing to remove it without charging them anything. Or maybe you'd feel generous and make a donation of a few hundred dollars to their organ fund.</P>

    If an individual has it, he or she may have a certain amount tied up in it, if they paid to have it removed from a church, for example.And may want to recover that cost, which would seem fair enough.</P>

    *** Please post your questions about technical service or repair matters ON THE FORUM. Do not send your questions to me or another member by private message. Information shared is for the benefit of the entire organ community, but other folks will not be helped by information we exchange in private messages!


    • #3
      Re: What's an Allen 903 worth?

      Thanks John,</P>

      Actually, it is a dealer who is somewhat of a friend through the AGO. I have NO interest in any of the MOS-1 computers, or any other of the sound generating components, as I would be using it for Hauptwerk and driving real wind blown pipes via MIDI controlled pipe driver boards.</P>

      So, it is understood that he will strip out the Allen stuff and any amps. I only want the shell, manuals (3), pedalboard, drawknobs (76?), couplers (14?), and combination action / power suppply.</P>

      Most of the Allen components have been replaced or upgraded, so from what you say these should be of value to him, since he is a dealer and organ tech.</P>


      • #4
        Re: What's an Allen 903 worth?

        Assuming he is a friend and both of you have interest in gutting the organ, I would think he would pass the cabinetry on to you for just a few hundred dollars. After all he has to get rid of it after taking the parts anyway. Without you, it might end up in the landfill. So it is a win/win that you have use for the cabinet.


        • #5
          Re: What's an Allen 903 worth?

          i don't know this specific organ at all...but my GENERAL rule for those was 1k for for 2 manuals ........ 2 to 3k for a 3 manual drawknob. THAT was before the recession... I would say my revised recession price quidlines are: 500 dollars for a 2 manual digital Allen. (older than 1985)..and 1 to 2k for a 3 manual drawknob made before 1985). if you can get it for less great!

          If it has MIDI it is worth much more in my opinoin...but in this recession who knows....most people would rather eat than buy a many nice organs being listed on ebay I don't even bother to post hardly any of them except ones that might be close to someone I know on here or are especially interesting.

          The Johannus sale of NEW digital 3 manual organs for 10k has radically shaken up the value of any electronic organ.......there is just a flood of nice used organs now..don't get set on any organ if you don't love the price, something else will always show up!


          • #6
            Re: What's an Allen 903 worth?

            [quote user="bcollins"]

            Thanks John,</P>

            Actually, it is a dealer who is somewhat of a friend through the AGO. I have NO interest in any of the MOS-1 computers, or any other of the sound generating components, as I would be using it for Hauptwerk and driving real wind blown pipes via MIDI controlled pipe driver boards.</P>

            So, it is understood that he will strip out the Allen stuff and any amps. I only want the shell, manuals (3), pedalboard, drawknobs (76?), couplers (14?), and combination action / power suppply.</P>

            Most of the Allen components have been replaced or upgraded, so from what you say these should be of value to him, since he is a dealer and organ tech.</P>


            I know of a 3-manual draw-knob pipe organ console for sale in the Pacific Northwest. The shell is older and may require refinishing, but I have been told that it has newer keyboards and a Peterson solid-state combination action. I have no idea of the price. Could be as low as $2000 or as high as $5000. Please note that changing the drawknobs to match the names you require might be labor intensive and somewhat expensive. Send me an email if you want to know more. Good luck!</P>


            • #7
              Re: What's an Allen 903 worth?

              [quote user="Menschenstimme"]

              I know of a 3-manual draw-knob pipe organ console for sale in the Pacific Northwest. The shell is older and may require refinishing, but I have been told that it has newer keyboards and a Peterson solid-state combination action. I have no idea of the price. Could be as low as $2000 or as high as $5000. Please note that changing the drawknobs to match the names you require might be labor intensive and somewhat expensive. Send me an email if you want to know more. Good luck!</p>


              I'll take the ungutted 903 if BC takes the DK pipe console...... [:P]


              • #8
                Re: What's an Allen 903 worth?

                Thank you all for your replies. I went to see the console last night and I believe the seller and I have come to terms. Perhaps I will pay a bit more than I would have liked, but in this part of the country 3-manual draw knob consoles do not come along very often. Believe me, I have been searching for three years! The most positive aspect of this console is that it is right here in town so I won't have to arrange shipping or travel to retrieve it (incurring vehicle rental). </P>

                Also, since the seller is an Allen dealer and tech for many years, he has agreed to give some "hand-holding" and advise for the most effective and economical ways to get the console MIDI-fied and ensure that the combination action is working as well as can be expected. Also he is willing to help me get allnew draw knob heads engraved by Allen (when I can afford it) at his dealer cost, which is $20 per(gasp!) for heads and stems.</P>

                There are 67 drawknobs, and I only desire 55, so I figure the best thing to do is pull some and [perhaps] plug the holes in the jambs, or build new jambs exactly the way I want them. But this is something that can be done later. For the time being I think I'll just pull the stems/heads off that I don't need and use a label maker to temporarily get the heads labeled properly.</P>

                If anybody knows if other manufacturers stems and heads will work on these draw knob assemblies, please let me know.</P>

                Also, there are not enough couplers and the rockers are not in the classic Skinner style that I desire, so I will need to install a whole new tilting tablet / nameboard. Does anybody know if other manufacturers tablets will fit these SAMs?</P>



                • #9
                  Re: What's an Allen 903 worth?

                  It seems to me that $20 per head/stem/engraving is a bit steep, as you can get those same items direct from Hagerstown Engraving (HESCo) for about a quarter of that price.</p>

                  the stems should be removeable with some effort...and I wouldn't worry about exact match engraving if you are eventually going to replace all the heads/stems anyway. I also would be inclined to keep all the knob actions in place and put blank heads on...anyone with a home organ eventually seems to succumb to "expansion-itis" !</p>

                  Rick in va


                  • #10
                    Re: What's an Allen 903 worth?

                    [quote user="VaPipeorgantuner"]

                    It seems to me that $20 per head/stem/engraving is a bit steep, as you can get those same items direct from Hagerstown Engraving (HESCo) for about a quarter of that price.</p>


                    That's exactly the info I was looking for provided their stems fit the Allen actions. I've found their website, and they seem to be exactly what I'm looking for - for a variety of needs.</p>

                    [quote user="VaPipeorgantuner"]</p><span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-family: 'Times New Roman'; font-size: medium; "><div style="font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 10pt; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); padding-top: 8px; padding-right: 8px; padding-bottom: 8px; padding-left: 8px; ">

                    and I wouldn't worry about exact match engraving if you are eventually going to replace all the heads/stems anyway. I also would be inclined to keep all the knob actions in place and put blank heads on...anyone with a home organ eventually seems to succumb to "expansion-itis" !</p>

                    Rick in va



                    Yes, when I do them I'll do them all since there are very few heads that correspond with my spec anyway. This organ seems to have a very neo-baroque spec, whereas my organ is an E.M. Skinner. I'm very particular about this, i.e. I need a knob that says Open Diapason 8, not Prinzipal 8.</p>

                    But no, it's not a home organ, and my audio system (16 channels presently) will only support 48 ranks max. Otherwise it begins to sound like your average "toaster". Even 3 ranks per channel is really pushing it, but once we have the 8 ranks of real wind-blown pipes in place, it should be acceptable.</p>

                    Thanks Rick!</p>


                    • #11
                      Re: What's an Allen 903 worth?

                      Bob makes a good point about values. When something is hard to come by -- like this three manual drawknob console -- sometimes you have to pay a premium. But look what it could cost to try to build your own cabinet.Bob probably saved quite a bit in the long run!

