Hi Guys</p>
I've been experimenting with the free version of Hauptwerk, and my little keyboard with useless MIDI/USB cable (It fails - most of the time it refuses to send release data, so I have constant ciphering, and a lot of the time, it doesn't even send the note on message).</p>
Anyway, I had an idea - What if I could convince the church to MIDI-fy the ADC420 we've got, and get Hauptwerk running? The St. Anne's would probably be sufficient, and if an upgrade was needed I'm sure we could buy a couple of MIDI keyboards and a pedalboard, and put together a new dedicated Hauptwerk console (I know someone who'd be happy to take the Allen of their hands :P) with 3 or even 4 manuals, and buy a nice sample set. I'll take some photos of the Church, and try and find out how much a computer that'll run Hauptwerk well will cost us. We'd probably get a single touchscreen and pop it on top of the console, next to the music rack.</p>
So, if anyone could give me an estimate on how much the MIDI-fication would cost (NZ$ preferably, but if not, it's alright, I can convert it myself); an audio interface with MIDI in and an output which would be able to utilize the current external speakers of the Allen; and a few good arguments for the upgrade, it would be much appreciated</p>