I went by the local dealer's shop today to take a look at a nice Wurlitzer church organ that had come in. It had features very close to the 4573 I already own minus rhythm tabs. I can't google the exact model. It was 25 pedal, had a four circle church design (never could recall the name of the design but it is used often inthe top ends of church pews)carved in the ends of the bottom facing and the music rack.</P>
Never the less the dealer said it was on consignment and the owner would consider offers. The one glaring fault was the G note oscillator is out. Has anyone replaced a Wurly oscillator. I'm looking for a ballpark repair figure if I were to do the repair myself? If one was not available from a parted organ, I'm pretty sure I could get something through Morelock's? (If one installs a new oscillator should he be prepared to need the divider cards as well assuming a failure in one of them might have knocked out the oscillator?)</P>
Outside of that failure, the cabinet was exceptionally clean and though I didn't examine all the stops, the ones I selected had a beautiful smooth sound. The SpectraTone was quite rattly but that can be relieved fairly easily I believe. My gut feeling is that as is the instrument should be worth about $100 but I don't know if that offer would leave anything for the dealer mark-up for having shown it (and I hate to overpay considering the additional repair cost to make it usable)</P>
As I have been saying in other posts I really don't have an organ budget right now and have other organs waiting for repair so a really substantial offer isn't in the picture for me right now. But you know how it is when you see an old beauty and you catch the organ bug. Comments anyone?</P>