Hello boys and girls,</P>
I have fairly recently aquired a semi-used Rodgers 800 which is generally working just fine tonally, but I'm having a problem with the combination action. This model has a dual memory capture system with 6 generals, and 4 divisionals on the Sw, Gt., & Ped. Problem is that the stops will NOT set on the Swell and Great divisions. If you try and set them, they cancel whenever any general piston or divisional piston is pressed. I have replaced the two rechargeable batteries with brand new ones and still the same problem. Originally when I first got the organ about a month ago, all of the stops on the swell and great would come on when pressing any general or divisional piston, or the cancel piston. Doing some tracing, I disconnected one wire between the memory section and the driver section and now at least the cancel buttons works but the other problem still exists. Anyone got any ideas? I have a service/technical manual on the way, but thought one of you might have an insight into this system. I have sourced practically all of the IC's so would be able to obtain those is needed, but don't want to just start desoldering at random without first having better information.</P>
The organ is really quite amazing for having only one main generator, plus a 39 note celeste generator. It will shake the house with the four 100 watt amps and 6 speaker cabinets going. 32' Contra Bourdon really does the thing.</P>
Thanks for any help anyone might have on this salvaged gem.</P>