There's an Allen 201 organ on Craigslist that isn't too far from me and it's a price I can afford! LOL! That tells you how rich I am. I am not sure if it is an MOS I or MOS II. Does it have moving capture action?
I thought this might make a decent practice organ or something of that nature. I'm also itching to see how much it can be enhanced by a Lexicon reverb unit.
Without the multi-computer configuration of the 705, what will mixture breaks be like?
I played this or a similar model once just to hear how it sounds. I never used the mixture, just built a Principal chorus while doodling around. It sounded decent. Since the external speakers were pointed away from me, it actually sounded better than the one at the church I attend. LOL! I guess it's all in the installation.
I thought this might make a decent practice organ or something of that nature. I'm also itching to see how much it can be enhanced by a Lexicon reverb unit.
Without the multi-computer configuration of the 705, what will mixture breaks be like?
I played this or a similar model once just to hear how it sounds. I never used the mixture, just built a Principal chorus while doodling around. It sounded decent. Since the external speakers were pointed away from me, it actually sounded better than the one at the church I attend. LOL! I guess it's all in the installation.