We have been kicking around the idea of doing a modest Virtual Organ installation in the small church where we are attending (and I have the joy of playing for the first time in many years). As I was thinking over the options I stumbled across Dr. Clinton Knight's "Ambassador" organ installation (http://ambassadororgan.wordpress.com/) and must say it was very inspiring. If anyone happens to know Dr. Knight I would be delighted to have a opportunity to correspond with him about our potential project. :)
Many factors should make our installation much cheaper. The most likely console would be the existing Baldwin HT2R. It is a two manual plus 32 pedal with a single expression pedal. The pedal board is not AGO so I am considering adding a third keyboard below the current lower manual and building a small platform to raise the console up and back (placing the new keyboard where the current lower manual is) making room for an AGO spec pedal board with expression shoes.
For reasons of support we would probably go with HW for the software.
Here are some pics of the sanctuary. Note people in the pictures are blurred out with a smudge tool to protect privacy.
Until I can figure out why the system thinks that four pictures are more than five when you try to insert inline tags for them you will have to click on the thumbnail for the last one.
The front platform has mirror image "pipe chambers" on each side however, the one on the left is partially covered by the projection screen. Each side has a small opening into the choir loft. They appear to be fairly large rooms so I am considering doing something similar to what Dr. Knight did by using dipole or bipole speakers to give some more natural reverb by bouncing the rear wave off of a movable reflective panel.
I figure that some experimentation with channel assignment and speaker distribution will be necessary. I could use a portable midi keyboard to play with configurations before jumping into the console conversion.
Looking toward the back from the choir loft you can get an general idea of the size of the room. There is a largish open area beyond the sanctuary entry arch that may have some impact on the resulting sound. At first glance it looks to me that the room is small enough that some electronic reverb will be necessary but it is possible that enough can be done with reflective sound in the chambers.
There is a closeup of right front chamber opening and of the right choir loft opening.
For subwoofers I am considering Transmission line, Horn and Infinite Baffle configurations. The horn would be the most efficient of course and probably fairly cost effective. The problem is that it appears that the only access to the chamber is through a smallish opening in the floor (like the attic in your home). TLs could probably be made small enough to hoist up through the hole and might work pretty well. An IB system has some real advantages in clean low distortion output for the 32's and could be assembled pretty easily in place by using strips of plywood 2 or 3 feet wide. Disadvantages are the large number of drivers and amplifier power required leading to some cost issues.
Many factors should make our installation much cheaper. The most likely console would be the existing Baldwin HT2R. It is a two manual plus 32 pedal with a single expression pedal. The pedal board is not AGO so I am considering adding a third keyboard below the current lower manual and building a small platform to raise the console up and back (placing the new keyboard where the current lower manual is) making room for an AGO spec pedal board with expression shoes.
For reasons of support we would probably go with HW for the software.
Here are some pics of the sanctuary. Note people in the pictures are blurred out with a smudge tool to protect privacy.
Until I can figure out why the system thinks that four pictures are more than five when you try to insert inline tags for them you will have to click on the thumbnail for the last one.
The front platform has mirror image "pipe chambers" on each side however, the one on the left is partially covered by the projection screen. Each side has a small opening into the choir loft. They appear to be fairly large rooms so I am considering doing something similar to what Dr. Knight did by using dipole or bipole speakers to give some more natural reverb by bouncing the rear wave off of a movable reflective panel.
I figure that some experimentation with channel assignment and speaker distribution will be necessary. I could use a portable midi keyboard to play with configurations before jumping into the console conversion.
Looking toward the back from the choir loft you can get an general idea of the size of the room. There is a largish open area beyond the sanctuary entry arch that may have some impact on the resulting sound. At first glance it looks to me that the room is small enough that some electronic reverb will be necessary but it is possible that enough can be done with reflective sound in the chambers.
There is a closeup of right front chamber opening and of the right choir loft opening.
For subwoofers I am considering Transmission line, Horn and Infinite Baffle configurations. The horn would be the most efficient of course and probably fairly cost effective. The problem is that it appears that the only access to the chamber is through a smallish opening in the floor (like the attic in your home). TLs could probably be made small enough to hoist up through the hole and might work pretty well. An IB system has some real advantages in clean low distortion output for the 32's and could be assembled pretty easily in place by using strips of plywood 2 or 3 feet wide. Disadvantages are the large number of drivers and amplifier power required leading to some cost issues.