I guested on a casual worship service in a church with a C-505; these folks have a praise band and a rather nice grand piano from which most of their worship music comes. But they also still have a C-505 and use it weekly as well.
While getting used to the organ, I found that c'' thru e'' (five keys in a row), then f#'' on up to bflat'' (another five in a row) on the upper manual are completely unresponsive - except for that f'' right in the middle. No matter what registration, nothing sounded on those keys. The f'' sounds appropriately on all stops, as do all the other keys on that manual.
I poked around "under the hood" for a while (and, by the way, moved several burned-out tilt-tab lamps, swapping good ones in from the unused generals like MIDI, bass and melody couplers) - found the ribbon connectors from the manuals. Just for kicks, I swapped them - and found that the lower manual sounded all notes without error when plugged into the upper manual's connector. So I'm pretty confident that the issue is in the upper manual or its ribbon cable.
Time (and a desire not to bust something) kept me from tearing further into it. So I haven't looked at the keyboard guts in any depth. The fact that several keys in a row don't sound suggests that there is something wrong with a multiplexing circuit - but that one that DOES sound, right in the middle, is a puzzle.
Anyone care to share any insight as to how the keyboard sends work on that organ? Is it toast, or might I be able to jury-rig a fix?
Thanks for any responses..
While getting used to the organ, I found that c'' thru e'' (five keys in a row), then f#'' on up to bflat'' (another five in a row) on the upper manual are completely unresponsive - except for that f'' right in the middle. No matter what registration, nothing sounded on those keys. The f'' sounds appropriately on all stops, as do all the other keys on that manual.
I poked around "under the hood" for a while (and, by the way, moved several burned-out tilt-tab lamps, swapping good ones in from the unused generals like MIDI, bass and melody couplers) - found the ribbon connectors from the manuals. Just for kicks, I swapped them - and found that the lower manual sounded all notes without error when plugged into the upper manual's connector. So I'm pretty confident that the issue is in the upper manual or its ribbon cable.
Time (and a desire not to bust something) kept me from tearing further into it. So I haven't looked at the keyboard guts in any depth. The fact that several keys in a row don't sound suggests that there is something wrong with a multiplexing circuit - but that one that DOES sound, right in the middle, is a puzzle.
Anyone care to share any insight as to how the keyboard sends work on that organ? Is it toast, or might I be able to jury-rig a fix?
Thanks for any responses..