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Ebay Classic organs



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  • #16
    Well after 10 hours I finally got'er home...unloaded and man that was the heaviest console I ever moved!! My poor RoK's almost bit the dust. That console had to weigh in over 1000#'s! All the pipes are in very dusty but otherwise good condition. I couldn't find a scratch anywhere. Same for the Leslie 145 up in the attic....I had to gut it to get it through a couple crawl hole spaces. My helper (as well as me) is going to sleep like a baby tonight! Those supposed Conn "257" speakers are just some dual 15" bass cabinets. Anyway I'll get some pics up sometime this week. Keep ya posted!

    Oh and the guy facilitating the sell played it for me and its even better in person to hear it!


    • #17
      It is great that you could acquire this beauty. It took me a number of years to really enjoy the unique Conn Organs, but I have always found them interesting. You will never regret getting this organ. I have missed a few that I was very interested in owning, and have regretted it ever since.
      Baldwin Church Organ Model 48C
      Baldwin Spinet 58R
      Lowrey Spinet SCL
      Wurlitzer 4100A
      Crown Pump Organ by Geo. P. Bent, Chicago, Illinois

      Organs I hope to obtain in the future:

      Conn Tube Minuet or Caprice even a transistor Caprice with the color coded tabs
      Gulbransen H3 or G3, or V.
      Wurlitzer 44, 4410, 4420, ES Reed Models, 4300, 4500, Transistor Models


      • #18
        I've been curious about this since I first heard about it: How is that Conn electronics got into a Klann console? Did the factory build them this way?


        • #19
          Most Conn's went into cabinets either built by Conn or another company that specialized in cabinet construction. In the larger, limited-production models, they chose to just buy the case, sometimes already fitted with a Klann tripper combination action and stop rail. Quite a few of the electronic organ builders "outsourced" cabinet construction.

          . . . Jan
          the OrganGrinder

