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Rodgers Question

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  • Rodgers Question

    I have the oppurtunity to purchase a Rodgers C445 for $2000. First I would like to know if anyone is familiar with this organ, it's quality, etc. And if that is a fair price. I am in Oregon, which is convenient if I need any repairs. I know that this organ has MIDI, and am hoping that it could potentially work in the future with Hauptwerk. Let me know your thoughts, you guys have been very helpful for this pianist wanting to learn organ!

  • #2

    The Rodgers C-445 is a first generation, entry level digital organ. In fact Rodgers didn't even call them an organ, but rather a keyboard instrument. Came to market around 1991, so would likely be around 20 years old. The organ has more of a synth keyboard quality to it than one might think.

    The sound was not bad for the time, meaning it does not sound as good as a new model. I don't believe it is in any way voiceable.

    The organ does have MIDI, and generally the Rodgers MIDI is good. But how well it interfaces with Hauptwerk it can't answer. It used to be that Hauptwerk would only recognize key data and expression data, but not pistons or stops. Maybe the more recent Hauptwerk will recognize these areas of the earlier Rodgers organs. You might want to ask the question on the Hauptwerk forum.

    I certainly would not go over $2,000 for this instrument. Try getting it for less if you can.



    • #3
      So, how much less considering I am driving about 400 miles one way to pick up the instrument?


      • #4
        I play a C-440 most Sundays (thankfully not for much longer). It truly is not great for sound in my opinion (although this is also a bad install). Reliable enough though for sure. If memory serves me right, the C-445 would have 10 pistons, a few toe studs (5 perhaps, but just half of the 10 generals), and I THINK it has 2 expression pedals. The MIDI works fine (and it sends one channel if you have the midi couplers off, and 2 if you have them on, so I imagine it could work quite well even with 3 manual Hauptwerk organs). As far as the stops, I know it doesn't work with Hauptwerk v2, but after downloading a trial of v3, it seems it includes some sort of compatibility with Rodgers stop controls, but I'm not sure to what extent.

        When you get there, check every note of the pedalboard. If they appear loose, they can be easily tightened. If they're noisy upon release, you'll likely need to take it apart and apply some new dampening (unless you're ok with the noise). Also, press all the pistons a few times and make sure they operate ok (I have had my general cancel pop out completely once, that was...entertaining). Of course, any of these issues would allow you to haggle a bit. Good luck.

