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Rodgers 750 -or- Rodgers 580

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  • Rodgers 750 -or- Rodgers 580

    Hello Forum!!!

    I found two Rodgers online, each one selling for $1500

    Rodgers 750 (no midi, external speakers) in South Caroline - shipping $500-$700
    Rodgers 580 (midi, internal speakers, 1994) in California - shipping $1200-$1400

    Anyone has any suggestions or input as to which one I should get, which one is worth the price AND the shipping cost?!?
    I would be using the organ for home practice, and really drawn to the midi capabilities of the 580...

    Thanks in advance for your help!!!

  • #2

    I wouldn't even hesitate here. Go for the 580. The 750 is a late 70's model of no great distinction. Although the case work was well done, the electronics on them was done on the cheap.
    The 580 likely won't have the build quality of the 750, but is like 15 years newer, is digital, has a good MIDI implementation, and should get you going. The 580 and similar models of that era, were kind of bland sounding, and little to no voicing is possible. The 580 would sound much better with good external speakers, but that would mean adding an amp. and a couple of speakers.
    The price on the 750 is high to me. The 580 price is more reasonable.



    • #3
      It depends somewhat on which 750 it is--there was a 750A, which was labelled just 750, and a 750B. The B had 2 rows of stops, and quite a complete set of voices, but is an analog organ. Divided expression, dual memory moving combination action, crescendo pedal. Sub & super octave couplers. Still a unit organ, but quite a lot of features. Definitely better with external speakers than internal (it was offered both ways).

      The 750B will directly NOT easily fit through a 36" door. $1500 is high for the B, for the A it is way too high.


