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What is your dream organ stoplist?

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  • What is your dream organ stoplist?

    These are some stops I'd love on an organ:

    -Principal 1 (Great)
    -Principal 2 (Swell)
    -Trumpet Chorus (Swell)
    -Solo Trumpet (Swell)
    -Flute 1 (Great)
    -Soft Flute (Swell)
    -Clarinet (Great)
    -Strings (Swell)
    -Chimes (Great)
    -Chrysoglott (Swell)
    -Gospel Tremulant (Great)
    -French Horn (Swell)
    -Harpsichord (Swell)
    -Duduk (Swell)
    -Tuba (Pedal)
    -Organ Bass (Pedal)

    Just some of them. What do you think of those ones?

  • #2
    I currently have a 2/38 Allen ADC4000 and find that I use only about half of the stops.
    I have become enamoured with small organs and like the English 3m examples from past centuries.
    An organ that would please me would be:
    GREAT: Lieblich Gedeckt 16, Open Diapason 8, Bourdon 8, Bellgamba 8, Principal 4, Horn 8
    CHOIR: Stopt Diapason 8, Dulciana 8, Principal 4, Nacthorn 4, Nazard 2-2/3, Clarinet 8
    SWELL: Contre Viole 16, Viole de Gambe 8, Hohlflute 8, Quintadena 8, Principal 4, Oboe 8, Vox Humana 8
    PEDAL: Contrebass 16, Dulciana 16, Bassoon 16

    A similar organ in baroque style would also be fun:
    GREAT: Quintadena 16, Principal 8, Bourdon 8, Octave 4, Spireflute 4, Rankette 16, Regal 8
    POSITIV: Holzgedeckt 8, Spitzprincipal 4, Koppelflote 4, Nazard 2-2/3, Terz 1-3/5, Krummhorn 8
    BRUSTWERK: Spitzgedeckt 8, Recorder 4, Principal 2, Holzregal 8
    PEDAL: Principal 16, Subbass 16, Octave 8, Choralbass 4, Fagotto 16

    I think these would be fun and I would especially enjoy the "lean" stoplist. They would have unison couplers and no pistons! ;-) .... and drawknobs!



    • #3
      Bruise, since you would have drawknobs, would you also be going full mechanical action?



      • #4
        Without a doubt! I not only love the feel of tracker action, but also enjoy just looking at the interior workings. When I was restoring a 1908 Moller Tracker 2/17, on Saturday afternoons I would sit inside of the case and read while listening to the organist practice. It's not a sofa in an Austin Universal Chest, but it's comfy! ;-)

