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Allen Chop Shop?

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  • Allen Chop Shop?

    Other than the local Allen tech, are there any good sources for used Allen 'pieces parts' other than eBay or Craigslist? Must be someone making a dime or two this way.

  • #2
    Not that I know of. Ebay seems to be loaded with used MOS and ADC boards right now. Somebody must have parted out a few consoles for MIDI station use.
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    • #3
      It appears the most recent boards are being sold by our "friend" in Florida. Guess he's now parting out old organs rather than trying to sell them at exorbitant prices! Must be more money in the parts at $250/ea. rather than the whole.

      I actually need a couple of those boards he's selling, but I refuse to do business with him!

      Way too many organs to list, but I do have 5 Allens:
      • MOS-2 Model 505-B / ADC-4300-DK / ADC-5400 / ADC-6000 (Symphony) / ADC-8000DKC
      • Lowrey Heritage (DSO-1)
      • 11 Pump Organs, 1 Pipe Organ & 7 Pianos


      • #4
        "Guess he's now parting out old organs rather than trying to sell them"

        Yes, but funny enough like some game of whac-a-mole, I noticed an ad on a classified site trolling for "used Allen or Rodgers organs" from the same town in Michigan, IIRC, where one of the prior somewhat 'notorious' resellers operated. Could just be a coincidence. That was back in the early to mid 2000s so my memory is more vague, but he did sell or try to sell some organs on ebay and on other sites before vanishing. Of course, many of these people vanish after one failed attempt to make "big money" on a used Allen. Like the guy in Hermitage, PA, who took a couple years to sell an MDS-10 he bought for $3000 and immediately relisted for $10K. Or some guys in the gulf states who did the same same with a similar model.


        • #5
          not his either

          I think he offers to buy an organ, then sneaks out in the middle of the night and removes all the boards, then cancels the sale the next day, when the organ wont play!

