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Rodgers Organs Pedalboards

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  • Rodgers Organs Pedalboards

    In the Trillium Series of Rodgers Organ brochure the pedalboard is referred to as American Guild of Organists (AGO) pedalboard, and in the Allegiant Series of organs the pedalboard is referred to as an AGO STYLE pedalboard.

    Is there a technical engineering difference between the two pedalboards?

    I need the full spacing between sharps and flats and not the compressed "Princess" style pedalboard. I need to know before I get interested in possibly buying one of the Allegiant series.

  • #2
    Re: Rodgers Organs Pedalboards

    the "style" might mean it has a concave and radiating pedalboard with 32 notes that are close to the same length, but maybe not exact.

    I say find the pedal board that you feel most comfortable on, and ignore whether it's really an "AGO" pedalboard. Most pipe organ builders have slight differences to theirs anyways...

    ps... the "princess" style pedalboard was from Allen.



    • #3
      Re: Rodgers Organs Pedalboards

      I'm almost sure both would be AGO specification.

      i have a 1996 Rodgers 530 digital (made in italy)... it has a AGO pedalboard.

      I'm not sure if Rodgers still outsources/rebrands organs from Italy though, you should find out...
      my Rodgers 530 is built of VERY cheap materials. It looks nice, but its basically faux wood wallpapered particle board. .. that statement ONLY applies to my 530, I have no idea about American made Rodgers organs but I'm sure they are better.

