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Rodgers 751 Opinions

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  • Rodgers 751 Opinions

    I can't afford a new Rodgers, but have an opportunity to purchase a used instrument. This is actually called a Rodgers 751e A+. It is a 751 that has had all of the hardware and software updates, including the voice pallette stops. This is a PDI organ, and was the generation directly prior to the Trillium. The 751 is American built and very solid, and comfortable to play. The instrument actually has only being owned by Rodgers, and used as a demo and small rental instrument. They have gone over it very thoroughly, and it is in good shape. They are offering a full warranty, which is a bonus.

    The audio configuration would be Organ: 2 x Rodgers FR1.7's for Swell, 2 x FR1.7's for Great and 1 x SW7.5 Subwoofer for bass frequencies.

    Also included is the RSS 303a Quadraphonic Room Modeling (reverb) which includes 2 x Walker TP-3's for front ambience, and 2 Walker TP-3's for rear ambience.

    The RSS is the best reverb I have ever heard on a digital organ.

    I'm debating about getting the MX-200 module. Frankly it adds a lot to the instrument, but I would only be interested in the pipe organ sounds, and there are not a lot of those.

    So, any opinions? Pros? Cons?

    (Regarding price. I feel what is being asked is fair, and everything is included: delivery, installation, voicing etc. Like I said, I couldn't afford this in a new setup. Hey, divorce IS expensive!) This is a rare chance to own a PDI Rodgers, IMHO.

    I've also considered Phonenix (new) but alot more money, and frankly the Rodgers sound is very warm, and the RSS is amazing.


  • #2
    Re: Rodgers 751 Opinions


    No one has any opinions on Rodgers PDI organs in general, or the 751 in particular?


    • #3
      Re: Rodgers 751 Opinions

      I've heard one PDI organ, and even though it was a 3 manual, it was a very acceptable digital organ. I didn't get a chance to play it, and the organist didn't use reverb so I have no clue how it sounds, but I'll take your word for it on the RSS. I like the sound of Rodgers (although Phoenix blows it out of the water, but they're blowing almost everyone out of the water these days) so if I could get a good deal on that instrument, and couldn't afford new, I'd definitely snatch it up.


      • #4
        Re: Rodgers 751 Opinions

        "I like the sound of Rodgers, although Phoenix blows it out of the water"

        In what ways is the sound of the Phoenix better than Rodgers, and for what reasons?




        • #5
          Re: Rodgers 751 Opinions

          It's not really something you can describe, so listen for yourself. Go to www.rodgersinstruments.co.uk on the left sidebar, find instruments, then trillium. Listen up. Then, http://www.stephen-hamill.homecall.co.uk/audio.html Go to that URL, and listen to the latest online Phoenix recordings. There's enough varieties of sounds and pieces that you can make a decently fair comparison I think.


          • #6
            Re: Rodgers 751 Opinions

            What is the price of the 751 when it was new? And what are Rodgers asking for their used unit now?

            Whilst Rodgers may have been the only owner, if it has been used by them as a demo and rental instrument, let's hope their asking price reflects the use that they have had out of it.

            Do you know who has "gone over it very thoroughly"?

            Can you be sure that it has all the hardware and software updates?

            You mention installation: who is going to voice it, etc.? Let's hope that they know what their doing, and not just a dealer who imagines themselves as an organ voicer.

            Are they supplying you with an owner's manual?

            Good luck! But! Let The Buyer Beware!


            • #7
              Re: Rodgers 751 Opinions


              I've tried emailing you several times, but keep getting an "undeliverable" message. I'm certainly interested in the information you emailed me about, so please send away.

              Sorry to the forum for having to respond here.



              • #8
                Re: Rodgers 751 Opinions

                Likewise, apologies to The Organ Forum.

                When I send you an email on the contact part of your website my server can't find you?

                Any suggestions?



                • #9
                  Re: Rodgers 751 Opinions


                  I just tried replying to the email you sent and get:

                  "This Message was undeliverable due to the following reason:

                  Your message was not delivered because the destination computer was
                  not found. Carefully check that it was spelled correctly and try
                  sending it again if there were any mistakes.

                  It is also possible that a network problem caused this situation,
                  so if you are sure the address is correct you might want to try to
                  send it again. If the problem continues, contact your friendly
                  system administrator."


                  I have gotten two messages (sent to [email protected]) via the Contact Form at my website. Attempts to reply have failed. Please try sending the information to [email protected]




                  • #10
                    Re: Rodgers 751 Opinions

                    Today (Tuesday, February 21) I have contacted my internet provider and together we checked out the system, and everything is in order.

                    I have sent you a test email and it was sent O.K.

                    So, my friend, the ball is literally back in your court.

                    I have spent a fair amount of my time on difficulties with emails and will retreat with grace from the discussions if my test email to you this afternoon, which was successfully despatched from this end, is unable to be handled satisfactorily by your provider set up.

                    As this could be my parting shot, then I wish you well in your dilemma of choice over which organ.

                    I would say go for the Ahlborn Galanti 2100.

                    Pushing the console "cancel" piston now.


                    • #11
                      Re: Rodgers 751 Opinions

                      speaking of 751's..one just showed up on ebay:



                      • #12
                        Re: Rodgers 751 Opinions

                        I've not played a Phoenix yet, but hope to someday. If I were purchaseding a new digital today it would be between Phoenix & Rodgers, but only after playing each organ in person.

                        Demonstration CD's/websites to ascertain audio sounds may give you an idea, but are a VERY poor substitute for gauging how a organ sounds in person.


                        • #13
                          Re: Rodgers 751 Opinions

                          In general my experiences with Rodgers instruments are positive, but I would be cautious on a Rodgers 751. We've had constant problems with one at my church, and are going to be replacing it this summer even though it's only 8 years old. The technicians have been told by Rodgers that this model has "issues." It will lose power - sometimes completely, sometimes just the manuals while the stops and music light remain lit, etc. No real rhyme or reason to when it works and when it doesn't. It sounds OK when it's working, but it simply hasn't been reliable.



                          • #14
                            Re: Rodgers 751 Opinions

                            I can't say I understand what makes the Phoenix organs so special. All I hear is an indistinct, very electronic sound buried in mountains of reverb. That seems to be the "universal fix" nowadays among electronic organ makers now. "Don't worry about the tone, we can just throw tons of reverb in and people will love it!"</p>

                            Well here's one person who doesn't. I'd rather hear a 4 rank pipe organ in the natural acoustic of the church, even if it's very little reverb! It at least sounds like something real and plausible. The reverbs these electronic companies are using just soudn ridiculous! You would have to be in a church the size of Montana to have a decay time that long. Furthermore, the quality and realism of the reverb is attrocious- lots of midbass smear, and a hazy fogginess to the sound that I've never heard in a real church.</p>

                            Electronic organs still have a LONG way to go before they're going to start to sound like the real thing. Sure we've made progress, but we're nowhere close yet. Check back in another 10-20 years...</p>


                            P.S. I do think that the Hauptwerk software is doing a very good job, but they sample each and every pipe, on every stop, which no commercial organ maker is doing. They also include release samples, which also, no commercial organ maker is doing. I listened to Bach's Fantasia in G Minor on the Rodgers Trillium and the Hauptwerk sampling of 1722 Silbermann organ at St. Georgenkirche in Germany, and the difference was night and day! Not even a contest.</p>

                            Listen for yourself, I would be curious to hear your thoughts. I am particularly curious about why the commercial organ makers can get away with such abominable sound, when a small UK company can get a sound so far superior, and at a cheaper price point. However, if you went the Hauptwerk route, you'd be on your own to design the audio system, console, etc.</p>

                            I would also recommend listening to some of the other clips available at www.milandigitalaudio.com They are one of the providers of instrument libraries available for the Hauptwerk software.</p>



                            • #15
                              Re: Rodgers 751 Opinions

                              Define commercial. Marshall &amp; Ogletree captures four multichannel samples for each pipe of each rank, including individual mixture ranks: attack, immediate post-attack to capture wind stability settling, steady state, and release. I've been down at their place in Newton, MA when Doug Marshall was working on some samples (he wouldn't divulge the source) and listened to the demo instrument they have there. Breathtaking, both in the sound and the price, but it's all top-end stuff.

                              -- Tom</p>

                              Rodgers 660 with additional analog rack sets (practice), 36D/C in digital conversion, Yamaha CVP-107




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