In the course of researching what I might consider buying in the near future I was struck by the thought that Yamaha does not (AFAIK) produce church organs. I've owned many of their electronic keyboards and several of their acoustic pianos and have always liked their actions. (I started out as an organist but pretty much now play piano.) </P>
When I need to bring a keyboard to a job I use my Yamaha P250. There are three or four very nice pipe organ sounds in that P250 and I was wondering why they don't make a church organ. Anyone here have an inside track on the Yamaha mindset? </P>
I was also wondering who makes the various keyboard actions for the handful of companies? I know that Yamaha makes their own and I believe that Roland makes their own (and probably supplies Rodgers?). Fatar supplies a lot of actions to the other 'piano' companies. Who makes the actions for the big names in digital pipe organs? Just curious.</P>