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New Rodgers Terraced Console

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  • New Rodgers Terraced Console

    Just saw this update from Rodgers:


    This is to mark the launch of their new "Custom Crafted" series.

    What you think? Its not the prettiest terraced console I've seen. Though Allen's terraced versions don't look much better either:

    1971 Allen Organ TC-3S (#42904) w/sequential capture system.
    Speakers: x1 Model 100 Gyro, x1 Model 105 & x3 Model 108.

  • #2
    I think the Allen pictured is somewhat better looking than the Rodgers pictured. Allen's curved terraced console from a few months back was better looking, but it is so wide. I think the best looking terraced console I've seen in a digital, is the one Marshall & Ogletree had a few years back. They don't have the pictures on their site anymore but I saved them.


    • #3
      I'm sure both consoles could capture someone's interest, but not mine. If the consoles were in an historic church/cathedral, then perhaps I'd be interested. If I had to choose one, I'd choose the authentic console made by Allen about a year ago.

      Between the two consoles, I guess I'd prefer the Allen because of the side design. For safety reasons, the Rodgers has too many angles that could be the source of injury (think klutz). However, the Rodgers console has a bit more character. The music rack makes me wonder how much music I'd lose through the middle of it, but I guess that's the hazards of the job! ;-)

      Way too many organs to list, but I do have 5 Allens:
      • MOS-2 Model 505-B / ADC-4300-DK / ADC-5400 / ADC-6000 (Symphony) / ADC-8000DKC
      • Lowrey Heritage (DSO-1)
      • 11 Pump Organs, 1 Pipe Organ & 7 Pianos


      • #4
        I think the best use of a console like this is in a church where one needs to see over the top of the console, as when directing the choir from the bench. I'd love to have such a console instead of the tall Allen "D" console of my present organ, though I wouldn't trade my organ just to get a different console, at least not right now!

        The Rodgers looks a bit Scandinavian, I think, while the Allen retains the French heritage of this console style. Just my reaction.
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        • #5
          I like the Rodgers better (at least as looks go). While I see myorgan's point about all the angles, I think that sets it apart. The Allen looks clunky by comparison because it is full width at the base and because of the continuity at the cheeks.
          “There's nothing remarkable about it. All one has to do is hit the right keys at the right time and the instrument plays itself.”
          “What I have achieved by industry and practice, anyone else with tolerable natural gift and ability can also achieve.”
          Johann Sebastian Bach

          (at Home) Conn 645 Theater Deluxe
          (at Church) 1836 E. & G.G. Hook Bros, Opus 26


          • #6

            I prefer the look of the Rodgers to the Allen. The Allen does not look like the designer had much inspiration when drawing it.

            Either a dealer or a potential customer floated the idea to Rodgers, and the company brass decided to design a French terrace console using a standard model basis. So this organ would not have cost much in terms of design - just the console. They are more expensive to make, so the customer must be willing to pony up big bucks just for this style of console.

            Generally, very few terrace consoles are made for digital organs. Johannus a few years ago came out with a home organ, an organ console with self contained speakers that had French terraces. It was called Symphonica. It hardly sold at all, and is not available anymore in North America. Johannus still makes 3 manual consoles with curved terraces, mostly for the European market.

            I don't imagine Allen makes more than 1 or 2 per year in this style.

            Maybe Rodgers will sell a few of these per year.

            I was reading somewhere on-line where the President of Rodgers, Dewey Kuhn said several years ago, they made roughly 400 organs per year. That is not many units for one of the bigger organ companies. I remember some 6 or 7 years ago, that Rodgers was putting out 900 organs a year. So, their output is down over 50% in 5 years. I wouldn't be surprised if that number from several years ago is even lower now.



            • #7
              Rodgers should not have released an awful photo like that. Dirty swell shoes, dirty platform, dirty-looking floor, and shot at a terrible downward angle; the flash makes the one cheek look like a mis-match in the stain job. OTOH,the Allen photo looks like what one expects from a press release, showing it clean/prepped and from a flattering angle.
              I myself prefer the sloping cheek blocks for some reason.
              They both look so shallow, I don't think either could stand alone at the front of the sanctuary, so I take it they are to be placed in the gallery and never viewed in profile.


              • #8
                Another vote for Allen here. I didn't count but it seems to have the edge on specification. Has more toe pistons. Some think the base is chunky but it looks just right to me. That said, unless I way miss my guess, the Rodgers music rack likely has a glass panel in the center, or a panel of whatever material the Allen music rack is made out of.



                • #9
                  The Rodgers console reminds me of some Holtkamp consoles I've seen. However, I think they're narrower on top and wide on bottom. It's been a while since I visited their business.


                  I hadn't noticed the dirty picture, but now that you mention it, you've brought up some great points. If you're going to advertise something, it should be clean at least!

                  Way too many organs to list, but I do have 5 Allens:
                  • MOS-2 Model 505-B / ADC-4300-DK / ADC-5400 / ADC-6000 (Symphony) / ADC-8000DKC
                  • Lowrey Heritage (DSO-1)
                  • 11 Pump Organs, 1 Pipe Organ & 7 Pianos


                  • #10
                    Yep, that picture looks tacky. However, I assume this was taken at the NAMM show in their booth, from the looks of the drapes. Things tend to get pretty messy at a trade show, so it's not surprising to see the platform and the floor a little dirty. Probably means that a lot of people had stopped by to try it out. The stuff on the expression pedals may be the plastic they put on those things to keep the black rubber clean before the organ is sold.

                    I agree the angle of the shot is unflattering, and they didn't notice or didn't care that the color of the wood is poorly rendered.

                    The Allen does seem wide at the bottom. Looks like the pedalboard is parallel too instead of radiating, which makes it quite a bit wider at the rear end.
                    *** Please post your questions about technical service or repair matters ON THE FORUM. Do not send your questions to me or another member by private message. Information shared is for the benefit of the entire organ community, but other folks will not be helped by information we exchange in private messages!



                    • #11
                      Originally posted by jbird604 View Post
                      Yep, that picture looks tacky. However, I assume this was taken at the NAMM show in their booth, from the looks of the drapes. Things tend to get pretty messy at a trade show, so it's not surprising to see the platform and the floor a little dirty. Probably means that a lot of people had stopped by to try it out. The stuff on the expression pedals may be the plastic they put on those things to keep the black rubber clean before the organ is sold.

                      I agree the angle of the shot is unflattering, and they didn't notice or didn't care that the color of the wood is poorly rendered.

                      The Allen does seem wide at the bottom. Looks like the pedalboard is parallel too instead of radiating, which makes it quite a bit wider at the rear end.
                      The link to that Allen indicates it was going to the Netherlands, so it didn't have an AGO pedalboard. The terraced Allens for American installations generally have AGO pedalboards. I put the picture of the M&O terraced console as my avatar. It's too small to really appreciate it. If I remember correctly, I think I saw somewhere that Colby built those consoles.




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