Hello, everyone!
In the interest of full disclosure, I am the organist who spec'd and designed this custom instrument in consultation with Viscount and Whitesel Organs. My endorsement to go with Viscount was based on extensive research, playing instruments from various builders, and seeing what they could offer within a given budget and clearly stated goals of the music program.
The generosity of our parishioners and movement of the Holy Spirit has been nothing short of amazing, and it's been a tremendous honor to be a part of this process!
Physis technology has gotten a bad rap, and Viscount's quality has increased greatly over the years. To be blunt, many of the youtube videos available suck. There are some, however, that show what Viscount instruments are capable of, and I couldn't be more excited about this project.
I was able to travel to play a three manual stock instrument by Viscount in Connecticut during the consideration phase of our project, and that was the final push that confirmed for me that Viscount was best for us.
I hope you will find this information interesting, and would be happy to answer any questions.
This is the only photo I have available of the partially-completed console (just finished last week):
And here is a link to the blog on construction and installation for anyone interested.
Thanks for sharing in the excitement. :-)
In the interest of full disclosure, I am the organist who spec'd and designed this custom instrument in consultation with Viscount and Whitesel Organs. My endorsement to go with Viscount was based on extensive research, playing instruments from various builders, and seeing what they could offer within a given budget and clearly stated goals of the music program.
The generosity of our parishioners and movement of the Holy Spirit has been nothing short of amazing, and it's been a tremendous honor to be a part of this process!
Physis technology has gotten a bad rap, and Viscount's quality has increased greatly over the years. To be blunt, many of the youtube videos available suck. There are some, however, that show what Viscount instruments are capable of, and I couldn't be more excited about this project.
I was able to travel to play a three manual stock instrument by Viscount in Connecticut during the consideration phase of our project, and that was the final push that confirmed for me that Viscount was best for us.
I hope you will find this information interesting, and would be happy to answer any questions.
This is the only photo I have available of the partially-completed console (just finished last week):
And here is a link to the blog on construction and installation for anyone interested.
Thanks for sharing in the excitement. :-)