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MIDI Software: Recording and Playback

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  • MIDI Software: Recording and Playback


    I'm getting a new Phoenix at church and it is going to have your standard MIDI in/MIDI out. MIDI in will be by manual (MIDI to: Great/Pedal, Choir, Swell) and MIDI out will be the entire organ heading out.</P>

    Question: Is there a software program (must be a Windows based program)that will easily let me record myself playing hymns and then allow me to play it back through said program.</P>

    I am having to travel for work and I'm the only organist around. They would like me to pre-record the hymns and have an usher just push play. But no one has ever done anything like this at church and I have no experience in it so we need something simple that just works.</P>

    Don't know if this matters but we don't need to feed all three MIDI IN's. The Great/Pedal will be more than adequate for hymn leading.</P>

    - Jim</P>

    PS!!! It's need to be free or cheap if possible.</P>

  • #2
    Re: MIDI Software: Recording and Playback

    Hello Jim</P>

    I have foud a free software package that will record and alow the viewing and editing of Midi files. It is called Jazz++</P>

    I have added Midi function to an older organ console and have found Jazz++ useful for recording Midi files.</P>

    Taking half an hour to go through the tutorial will make it much easier to use than trying to muddle through and getting frustrated.</P>



    • #3
      Re: MIDI Software: Recording and Playback

      OrganAssist2 is free and terrific....



      • #4
        Re: MIDI Software: Recording and Playback

        Thanks guys. Is there any particular kind of sound card that I need for my PC? Do you just use a normal 'audio in/microphone' jack or is there a special MIDI jack that I need? Anywhere online that I can get the cable from the organ to the PC? I'm not even sure what cable I would need.


        • #5
          Re: MIDI Software: Recording and Playback

          I use a USB to MIDI cable (Edirol UM-1X), cost around $45 bucks or something rediculous like that.... OrganAssist can be customized for your console, so it can look just like what you have, you can create a "play list" of hymns, and there's a lot of functionality there... and the guy who wrote and supports it was quick to fix a bug I reported.

          I can send a copy of our Phoenix console definition file if you find designing your own to be tedious, and then you just have to modify it... also the performances at our dedication concert are available if you want to hear them on your instrument when Phoenix gets done installing...



          • #6
            Re: MIDI Software: Recording and Playback

            Yes, if you could send me the definition file and your concert I would like that very much.</P>

            How big do the files tend to be? Say your standard 4 verse hymn?</P>



            • #7
              Re: MIDI Software: Recording and Playback

              They all apppear to be 4-25K in size... these are not MIDI files, but OrganAssist can create MIDI files from them. They are OrganAssist performance files.


