Looking at the stops, the Choir division doesn't have a clear celeste-worthy pair of stops. For 8' non-reeds, there's Diapason, Viole and Tibia at 8'. While they could be paired and celeste-ed and it would be neat to experiment, no pipe organ would pair any of them in that way (e.g. Diapason rank and a Tibia Celeste rank). I suspect Allen wanted to keep the specs pipe-organ-like as much as possible. Assuming the choir has its own pair of tuning tables, the chorus table was probably tighter than a celeste table.
When Allen went to MDS and did away with the separate celeste control, the only way to experiment is to couple the 2 alterables to another manual and pull the Voix Celeste (or whatever the celeste rank is on the specific model) to detune one of the alterables. Thus, reed celestes can be made, for example. But that takes a little more thought and work to figure out. With a separate celeste control, one can point to the two obvious ranks with which it should be used. If it's used with any other ranks, the organist is responsible for the result. In the Choir division, Allen wanted to keep it kosher so no smart aleck (think competitor) could point out the uselessness of a celeste control when there aren't any stops to pair up that way in the division.
At least, that's my take. BTW, that's a beautiful spec. Three 32' flues, a 2' and a quint in the pedal. Four 8' flues + the flute celeste II in the Great. Such luxury. 😊
When Allen went to MDS and did away with the separate celeste control, the only way to experiment is to couple the 2 alterables to another manual and pull the Voix Celeste (or whatever the celeste rank is on the specific model) to detune one of the alterables. Thus, reed celestes can be made, for example. But that takes a little more thought and work to figure out. With a separate celeste control, one can point to the two obvious ranks with which it should be used. If it's used with any other ranks, the organist is responsible for the result. In the Choir division, Allen wanted to keep it kosher so no smart aleck (think competitor) could point out the uselessness of a celeste control when there aren't any stops to pair up that way in the division.
At least, that's my take. BTW, that's a beautiful spec. Three 32' flues, a 2' and a quint in the pedal. Four 8' flues + the flute celeste II in the Great. Such luxury. 😊