Our church can purchase a Whurlitzer C-300 for $ 4,000. It's in great condition. It was made by Viscount. specs are: Great: Bourdon16'; Principal8'; Gedeckt 8'; Octave 4'; Super Octave 2';Mixture III; Trumpet 8'; Chimes; Swell to Great</P>
Swell: Bourdon 8'; Viole 8'; Viole Celeste 8'; Octave 4'; Nazard 2-2/3'; Flautino 2'; Cymbal III; Oboe 8'; Tremolo</P>
Pedal: Sub Bass 16'; Octave 8'; Bourdon 8'; Super Octave 4'; Fagott 16; Great to Pedal; Swell to Pedal</P>
Console: Transposer, Reverberation; Adjustable Tremelo; Headphone Jack; Individual Expression Pedals; Midi In/Out; </P>
Digital Sampling tone-generation technology; internal amp: 2 channels, 70 watts Rms Each</P>
Supports external amplification, including Viscount V30 acoustic box</P>
Questions: Is this a good value? Has the technology now being used in the Viscount organs changed significantly? Other thoughts?</P>