Good afternoon from East Kane in NW Pennsylvania:
I am looking for some guidance on how to potentially save a Lowrey C-500 from the garbage heap. We are a small village that has a church that was hit in the side of the building by a truck. The truck went through the wall and knocked drywall and a bunch of shattered windshield glass in the lower two keyboards. I can see where some of the glass and dust have gotten wedged between the keys. I am kind of a handyman, and feel that if someone out there could tell me/describe to how me to get access to clean under the keyboards I think I can save this organ. I have never worked on on before, so I don't want to try getting under the keyboards and screwing the thing up. Honestly, the only thing that I see that is causing it from not being used is the glass and debris under/between the keyboard keys. I looked in from the top and the linkages/mechanical parts look fine. Is there anyone out there that can give me so direction in saving this organ. Never having looked inside, at the back of an organ before I am absolutely in awe. I have never seen such a complicated combination of electrical and mechanical items into something that makes beautiful music. Unbelievable! Astonished! I have one other question, the church is small, maybe 30 parishners and the woman that played the organ, she has since passed away, had the exact same model at home, which the family gave to the church. It works fine except for one thing, the white lights that light up the music, and the other small lights that light the keyboards do not come on with the powerbutton is pushed in. I saw that there is a slowblo 5 amp fuse that on schematic 30 looks like it may feed these lights, but was unable to locate it. It looks to be near the main power supply (the one with those 3 monster round capacitors) but I couldn't find any fuse. I don't know if its a fuse or something else? But it is all the main white lights that don't turn on when you push the power button. Side note that may be a clue about the lights, there is a white button just to the left of the green presets that will light for a moment when power button is pushed in. If anyone out there in "Organ World" can give me some thoughts, ideas, How to's to address these situations the East Kane Methodist Church would be forever gratefull. Thank you and God Bless
I am looking for some guidance on how to potentially save a Lowrey C-500 from the garbage heap. We are a small village that has a church that was hit in the side of the building by a truck. The truck went through the wall and knocked drywall and a bunch of shattered windshield glass in the lower two keyboards. I can see where some of the glass and dust have gotten wedged between the keys. I am kind of a handyman, and feel that if someone out there could tell me/describe to how me to get access to clean under the keyboards I think I can save this organ. I have never worked on on before, so I don't want to try getting under the keyboards and screwing the thing up. Honestly, the only thing that I see that is causing it from not being used is the glass and debris under/between the keyboard keys. I looked in from the top and the linkages/mechanical parts look fine. Is there anyone out there that can give me so direction in saving this organ. Never having looked inside, at the back of an organ before I am absolutely in awe. I have never seen such a complicated combination of electrical and mechanical items into something that makes beautiful music. Unbelievable! Astonished! I have one other question, the church is small, maybe 30 parishners and the woman that played the organ, she has since passed away, had the exact same model at home, which the family gave to the church. It works fine except for one thing, the white lights that light up the music, and the other small lights that light the keyboards do not come on with the powerbutton is pushed in. I saw that there is a slowblo 5 amp fuse that on schematic 30 looks like it may feed these lights, but was unable to locate it. It looks to be near the main power supply (the one with those 3 monster round capacitors) but I couldn't find any fuse. I don't know if its a fuse or something else? But it is all the main white lights that don't turn on when you push the power button. Side note that may be a clue about the lights, there is a white button just to the left of the green presets that will light for a moment when power button is pushed in. If anyone out there in "Organ World" can give me some thoughts, ideas, How to's to address these situations the East Kane Methodist Church would be forever gratefull. Thank you and God Bless