I've read Jbird's post on here about adjusting stop volumes on the console controller but I've also read (either on here or on another site) that the sample-swapping can be done on the console controller also. Is this true?
Regardless of the answer to the above, I want to seek further information about this sample-swapping business. For example, take the Q345 model. Under the standard "American" suite, there are a few stops which are borrowed from the swell department. Am I correct to assume then that this sample-swapping would provide alternative samples of every stop so that instead of a flute borrowed from the swell one could have an independent flute sample? Also, can a 32' violone be swapped for a bourdon?
Thanks for any responses in advance!
I've read Jbird's post on here about adjusting stop volumes on the console controller but I've also read (either on here or on another site) that the sample-swapping can be done on the console controller also. Is this true?
Regardless of the answer to the above, I want to seek further information about this sample-swapping business. For example, take the Q345 model. Under the standard "American" suite, there are a few stops which are borrowed from the swell department. Am I correct to assume then that this sample-swapping would provide alternative samples of every stop so that instead of a flute borrowed from the swell one could have an independent flute sample? Also, can a 32' violone be swapped for a bourdon?
Thanks for any responses in advance!