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Amp Rack to Allen 632-D

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  • Amp Rack to Allen 632-D

    Hello Everyone:

    I recently purchased a beautiful Allen 632-3D from a church where it had been since 1979--so well taken care of and well maintained. Most of the cables and connections are color coded with tape--so everything seems straight forward with regard to which amp goes to which speaker. Most of the amps still have the cables connected. BTW--there are 9 speakers --1 is labeled "HC20" and the 9 speakers seem to be the same. One of those 9, the one labeled HC20 was in the back of the church (I was told it was the antiphonal), the others were at the front of the church. There are two high frequency speaker banks labeled L and R which were installed in the ceiling. I am planning on connecting four main speakers, the antiphonal and two high frequency banks.

    Allen Organ said they could come out for $250 to hook up the amp, but I'm thinking I should be able to do it myself with a little guidance. I am attaching photos. Perhaps someone with experience with this set up could tell me how to ensure I am making the right connections? Any advice would be helpful.

    Thank you.


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  • #2
    Here are a couple more photos from inside the organ--in short, it looks like four items on the amp rack connect internally--the two relays, the input output box cable and the connection with the four wires (Red, Brown, Black and White)

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    • #3

      Congratulations on your acquisition, and welcome to the Forum! You most certainly should be able to hook it up on your own without too much trouble.

      The basic connections you need to know are located on the back of the amplifier. An RCA cord will come from the console, and be plugged into the back of an amplifier. Each one of those cords is a "channel" of sound. The pair of wires (black & white) in the brown jacket are where the signal for each "channel" comes out of the amplifier and directly into each speaker.

      The + and - 12v wires appear to still be connected. Beyond that, someone else will need to weigh in, as my area of familiarity is with the ADC organs.

      BTW, the L78 that is printed on all devices means the organ was manufactured in December of 1978. December is the 12th letter of the alphabet.

      Hope this gets you started.

      Way too many organs to list, but I do have 5 Allens:
      • MOS-2 Model 505-B / ADC-4300-DK / ADC-5400 / ADC-6000 (Symphony) / ADC-8000DKC
      • Lowrey Heritage (DSO-1)
      • 11 Pump Organs, 1 Pipe Organ & 7 Pianos


      • John Vanderlee
        John Vanderlee commented
        Editing a comment
        On those MOS organs the audio cables out to the amp rack had mostly coaxial cables(brown) that had a Jerrold screw-on coax connector. However on the amps you often find "input" and "exp" connectors, where the "input" can either be RCA or Coax. Internally to the amp they all connect to the same point. Sometimes the coax was replaced with an RCA cable.
        On the amp rack there is a little box that I see has a coax connector going into it. It is a cross over that separates the bass from the treble. The Bass side output goes to the amp on bottom which is where your bass speaker should be hooked up.

    • #4
      Thank you, Michael. Appreciate the information and words of encouragement. Eager to get her up and running!


      • #5
        An HC-20 is a bass cabinet, so it was definitely not the antiphonal speaker! I should be connected to the amp that carries the "low" portion of the swell/pedal flute channel. It's probably the amp that is on a shelf by itself. It may be identified with the letter "Y" in its number, which is the universal Allen identifier for a bass only channel.

        I'd connect the speakers, as Michael suggests, directly to the amplifier terminals. I see some relays on the top shelf, so presumably it had some kind of switching for antiphonals, but those old relays can have problems and interfere with the clarity of the sound.

        Depending on what kind of speakers you are getting with it, you will need to connect the appropriate one to each amp. If the flute channels have the old "32A/B" arrangement, there may be two separate boxes for each flute channel. But the "main" channels will connect to just one speaker each. Could be a type 16 or 16-1. Or, it could have been modernized and have HC-10 or HC-12 speakers for each channel.

        I love the 632. It was a great way to build a 3-manual organ using a pair of MOS systems. Only downside to MOS is that the organs often don't sound all that good with the speakers close to your ears. The sound needs some space to bounce and roll around to sweeten it up. So install the speakers as far away from the console as practical, and don't point them directly at your ears, wherever they are.
        *** Please post your questions about technical service or repair matters ON THE FORUM. Do not send your questions to me or another member by private message. Information shared is for the benefit of the entire organ community, but other folks will not be helped by information we exchange in private messages!



        • #6
          Hi John:

          Thank you. Yes, I realized after assessing everything that the H-20 is a base cabinet. Here are photos of the speakers I have--all seem to be in great shape. In addition to the H-20, there are 8 of the other similar speakers as well as two banks of high-frequency--I think those are the antiphonal speakers..... I want to connect the base, 4 others for the four channels as well as the 2 high frequency banks. More than enough for my space.

          [ATTACH=CONFIG]29707 [/ATTACH]Click image for larger version

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          • #7
            The cabinets that are same size as the HC-20 are either HC-10 or HC-12. In either case, they are "full-range" units and you need to connect one per channel. That might be sufficient, depending on the size and shape of your room.

            The arrays of high range speakers are a version of the Allen "Presence Projector" and are intended to add some brightness or to throw some sound into an area of the room that might not otherwise get a good balance of the organ tone. So it won't hurt anything to connect one or both of those in addition to a single HC10 or 12 to each amp.

            I suspect that in the original setup the high frequency arrays may have been connected through the relays so they could be turned on or off by a tab on the console, as required by the organist. But you can connect them directly in parallel with the full-range speakers, as they have built-in crossovers.
            *** Please post your questions about technical service or repair matters ON THE FORUM. Do not send your questions to me or another member by private message. Information shared is for the benefit of the entire organ community, but other folks will not be helped by information we exchange in private messages!



            • #8
              Hi John:

              Very helpful. Thank you!


              • #9
                Good Evening! Our church just got this very organ and I am states away from Antonella's who can wire the speakers. Is there any way you could take a pix inside the organ with all the speaker wiring in place?


                • #10
                  Greetings All,
                  We have recently been asked to wire up an Old Allen Organ 632-D...This 632-D was donated to a Small Church in a Small Town (with corresponding Small Space and Limited Funds)...
                  I have been browsing through All the Extremely Helpful Information on this Forum, but still have a couple of unanswered questions to facilitate a basic installation.
                  Was Wondering if Anyone might have access to a Service Manual [or at least the section concerning the 632-D audio signal and control outputs]. Unfortunately, It Appears Most of the 632-D barrier strip labels are missing.
                  I Did reach out to Allen Organ... they Thanked Me for contacting them... but basically stated they No Longer had Any Resources to support the older MOS-1 Organs

                  Would Sincerely Appreciate Any Helpful Information or Direction to Available Resources......


                  • myorgan
                    myorgan commented
                    Editing a comment
                    Do you have the ability to take photos and post them? There are people on the Forum who can tell from the photos what you need to connect to get everything back up and running again.

                    Alternatively, you can search for a MITA Tech on their website (simple Ggl search) for someone who could help nearer you.

                    Welcome to the Forum! I hope you continue to participate here for a time to come.


                • #11
                  Greetings Michael.... Thank You Very Much for the Reply,
                  There are two 6-position barrier strips inside chassis of the 632-D (please see photo)... My understanding is that these are the outputs for Great Choir & Swell Pedal (flute +/- , and main +/-)... Unfortunately, There are NO Labels as to which terminals contain which signals (+/-)... Would be Extremely Helpful if Someone has that information they could share.
                  Also... if anyone knows where the connection for the En-Chamande Output (+/-) is located.
                  Sincerely Appreciate Any/All Replys!!
                  You may only view thumbnails in this gallery. This gallery has 1 photos.


                  • myorgan
                    myorgan commented
                    Editing a comment

                    I'm not familiar with this organ, as I thought it was a 3-manual organ. From the terminal strips, it looks like it is a 4-channel organ, but because the wires are all the same color.

                    There are 2 options for an organ that size-the amplifiers could be in the organ, and the speakers would be connected to those barrier strips. Alternatively, those terminal strips could simply carry the signal from the organ to a remote amplifier rack before going to the speakers.

                    Knowing that will help.




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