I am researching the antiphonal options for an Allen Bravura L451, and possible speaker options to accommodate this. I see there are antiphonal tabs on the console, and inside the casing near the amplifiers, there is reference to something related to an antiphonal option.
In my mind's ear, I imagine a set of speakers placed high in the back of the church, for special effects (thoughts of the "Heiliggeistloch" in St Stephan's in Passau come to mind).
I can't find anything in the Allen literature or documentation on this. Anybody know how to leverage this antiphonal option to maximum effect, or have suggestions?
The instrument has 16 channels, with appropriate HR-200s, HR-100s, and SR-5s.
Some questions that come to mind:
1) Does the antiphonal option require more Allen hardware, like another special amplifier? If so, where does it go?
2) What voices can be sent to the antiphonal speakers?
3) Are the antiphonal stops on some of the 16 channels, or are additional channels in play when the antiphonal option is implemented?
I'm very new to all of this, especially the digital and electronic side of things; I feel I am gaining a quick education by drinking from a fire hose.
This forum is a wonderful resource - thanks, all!
I am researching the antiphonal options for an Allen Bravura L451, and possible speaker options to accommodate this. I see there are antiphonal tabs on the console, and inside the casing near the amplifiers, there is reference to something related to an antiphonal option.
In my mind's ear, I imagine a set of speakers placed high in the back of the church, for special effects (thoughts of the "Heiliggeistloch" in St Stephan's in Passau come to mind).
I can't find anything in the Allen literature or documentation on this. Anybody know how to leverage this antiphonal option to maximum effect, or have suggestions?
The instrument has 16 channels, with appropriate HR-200s, HR-100s, and SR-5s.
Some questions that come to mind:
1) Does the antiphonal option require more Allen hardware, like another special amplifier? If so, where does it go?
2) What voices can be sent to the antiphonal speakers?
3) Are the antiphonal stops on some of the 16 channels, or are additional channels in play when the antiphonal option is implemented?
I'm very new to all of this, especially the digital and electronic side of things; I feel I am gaining a quick education by drinking from a fire hose.
This forum is a wonderful resource - thanks, all!