Alright, I'm just giving some general info here, looking for input.
I played at a church recently that has a Rodgers. Forgot to look at the model number. 3 manual, has an indicator for crescendo only, all lighted drawknobs/pistons (I HATE those). Full set of couplers, 16/8/4, on the right jamb, had this big power switch that lights up when pressed, with a tuning knob and 'options' knob (what is that?) next to the switch. Sound was absolutely terrible, mixtures VERY shrill, and every few notes or so something would sounds WAY off, tired to figure out what stop and the priest told me "Give it up. We've had five people try to figure out." No MIDI that I could find, so I'm thinking late analog? Also has some orchestral tabs (I didn't check them). If it is analog, is there anything that can be done to fix the terrible keys/voices? If I were the church, I'd replace that ASAP.
I played at a church recently that has a Rodgers. Forgot to look at the model number. 3 manual, has an indicator for crescendo only, all lighted drawknobs/pistons (I HATE those). Full set of couplers, 16/8/4, on the right jamb, had this big power switch that lights up when pressed, with a tuning knob and 'options' knob (what is that?) next to the switch. Sound was absolutely terrible, mixtures VERY shrill, and every few notes or so something would sounds WAY off, tired to figure out what stop and the priest told me "Give it up. We've had five people try to figure out." No MIDI that I could find, so I'm thinking late analog? Also has some orchestral tabs (I didn't check them). If it is analog, is there anything that can be done to fix the terrible keys/voices? If I were the church, I'd replace that ASAP.