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Rodgers 805B pedal board diodes

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  • Rodgers 805B pedal board diodes

    Question for one of you tech wizards out there! My pedal citcuit boards are 5279-301. I've been told they are wired common anode. The midi encoder board I ordered (could have got it either way, but mea culpa) is set up for common cathode. I've also been told that one option is to flip the diodes, which is probably easier and cheaper than sending the encoder back to be reprogrammed. So, what diode do I need and where is a good place to order them?

    I found this place that had several listed so I don't know which one will be the right one!



  • #2
    The 1N4148 is perfect and priced right as well. I must have 1000 of these in a box from my days at Collins Radio many, many years ago.


    • #3
      I second John K's suggestion. I recently referred a member to Amazon where you can buy a pack of 100 for about $6. Small glass signal diodes like this are used in all kinds of places, and for organ techs, we see them all over in keyboard contact and stop switching circuits. You can't go wrong with that one.
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      • #4
        AWESOME! I knew I could count on you two!! I'll get them bad boys ordered!




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