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First Allen Elite in North America!

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  • First Allen Elite in North America!


    My Church just recently made a deposit on what will most likely be the first Elite organ in the US. Opus 1 is in their showroom, Opus 2 is most likely going to France, so we would be Opus 3. We were evaluating Walker as well, but had a lot of trouble getting them to return our calls to setup dates to evaluate organs. I have heard this same thing from other people as well, and it worried both my father and I, who are on the organ committee. We live only an hour away from Allen's HQ, and as a result have become well acquainted with their staff, their facilities, as well as the service and product they provide, and have been happy all around.</p>

    Before the Elite series, I don't think we would have gone with an Allen, at least not this quickly. I really felt the Quantum left something to be desired. However, the enhanced clarity and flexibility of the Elite series has brought them up to another level. I have posted a preliminary stoplist for you guys to review. You can see my suggestions handwritten. You will no doubt see the organist's suggestion for a "warmer, more symphonic" organ. However, to me it may seem a little too stringy. The ECHO division will be in the antiphonal, and can be assigned to any manual.</p>

    As far as audio, we're looking at between 36-40 audio channels, so there should be a lot of individual variety of sound and clarity.</p>

    I cannot divulge numbers of course, but suffice it to say Allen gave us a good discount, making an offer we couldn't refuse. Allen estimates about 8 months til install, as it will be an entirely custom organ. The first step will be a meeting at the factory were we start to pick out colors and cosmetic options. Our church has a lot of walnut wood, so I we're planning on having the case match the wood, possibly using a similar inlay to what is on the pews and doors. As far as the inside, I thought of maybe using maple, with maple sharps, and either bone or black naturals. I'll follow up here after the meeting next week to let you know where we're at. I'm excited, it's going to be fun. </p>

    When we played Opus 1, I got to see their programming software, and get a basic idea how they are setup. This intrigued me, so I applied to work in their voicing / programming department in the hopes that I could get a job doing voicing, etc. I'm also going to be working with their tonal designer in the factory, helping to to final voicing on Opus 3. This will be a great opportunity for me to see the innards of how these things work.</p>


  • #2
    Re: First Allen Elite in North America!


    This is very interesting, and I hope that you end up with a truly superior organ install.</p>

    Regarding the spec. and your scribbles, I would definitely go with a 4' reed on the Swell, to get the typical reed chorus on that division without having to couple. I would also go with a 16' Principal (Montre) on the Great, but wouldn't voice it too loud. For the rest it looks pretty good. Of interest is the amount of borrowing on the Pedal division from elsewhere, I assume for purposes of having them under expression.</p>

    I'm sure your eventual install will bring Allen products some extra notice. Their Quantum instruments as you mention does not seem to quite do the trick for them.</p>

    I agree with you about Walker. They do excellent work, but seem pre-occupied with who knows what. They seem not to be very available to talk or deal with you when you need them. Maybe this will wake them up to do better.</p>

    Again, wish you the best on this project.</p>

    Arie V.


    • #3
      Re: First Allen Elite in North America!

      Hi Jon,</P>

      That is a delightful specification; not unlike our Schantz III/72 at church. May I suggest that you have the Choir Clarinet also play at 4-foot in the Pedal; or perhaps add a 4-foot Rohrschalmei or Schalmei?</P>

      I think your church made the right decision and how rewarding for you to be so intimately involved.</P>

      All the best!</P>



      • #4
        Re: First Allen Elite in North America!

        This is really very exciting Jon! I look forward to hearing your insiders view on every single solitary detail of this project that you are willing/able to divulge.


        • #5
          Re: the real First Allen Elite in North America!

          [quote user="Vercus"]


          My Church just recently made a deposit on what will most likely be the first Elite organ in the US. Opus 1 is in their showroom, Opus 2 is most likely going to France, so we would be Opus 3. -Jon</P>


          Actually Opus 2 is French in design, but will be a U.S. installation.</P>


          • #6
            Re: the real First Allen Elite in North America!

            Hello again,

            Well, myself and six other organ committee members visited Allen again yesterday. We picked all the colors for the console, as well as made a small correction to the stoplist- in place of the Vox Humana 8' on the Swell, I have requested a 4' Clarion. I felt that was more appropriate to form a full reed chorus. As we get further along, I will get into the details of the voicing of the stops, as well as the mixtures. I wish the organ had a little more brightwork and less "stringy-ness" but such as it is. I'm going to make sure that it's not anemic though- I expressed my interest in still retaining the ability to have a good strong full organ that doesn't have to feel ashamed of itself!

            As far as colors go:

            Organ case: "Anniversary Walnut"

            Inside rail behind drawknobs, etc: Also Anniversary Walnut - I pulled hard for something lighter but was overruled. I seem to be the only one with the desire for contrast in an organ case. [:(]

            Drawknobs: Black, shaped sort of like an hourglass, with a curly maple face and black engraving</p>

            Vertical divider lines between divisions: Curly maple

            Rocker tabs in front: Same maple with black engraving

            Keyboard: Ivora naturals with rosewood sharps. I was really hoping we could get something better than their "ivora" like bone, but that's Allen's only offering! One disappointment there- I REALLY wanted to get bone, quite unhappy there, as I don't like the feel of those keyboards, but again nobody else cared, so what am I going to do. Plus how will rosewood look against walnut? The organist will play just about anything. Why bother?

            Pedal sharps: Also rosewood

            Toe studs: Brass

            I think that covers everything. I still think it'll be a good looking organ and should be fun to play. It'll be fun to work with them as the process moves along.

            I'll follow up when I have more. In the mean time, I'd be interested in any comments you may have.

            In regards to Opus 2, Aram Basmadjian, their president of sales informed me that it is going to Paris to a large old gothic cathedral. I'm just going by what he said. Where did you hear it's going to U.S.?



            • #7
              Re: the real First Allen Elite in North America!


              Re: the ivora covering in the long term may actually be better than the real bone. Bone tends to wear down, so you end up with depressions in the key after it is played a lot. It may feel better though.</p>

              Looks like you followed my advice on the 4' reed in the Swell. Good move.</p>

              Regarding the stop list, it is really hard to tell what the final result will be like. With voicing controls on today's digi organs, you should pretty much be able to deal with mixtures, stringyness, etc. </p>

              Regarding Opus 2, if what you say is correct, it must be going to Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris. Notre Dame is the cathedral, is large, is old, and is gothic. I heard some time ago that Naji Hakim wanted to put a digi organ (read Allen) in La Trinite, which is in Paris. Other than being large, it really doesn't match your description much.</p>



              • #8
                Re: the real First Allen Elite in North America!

                Please indulge me if I cast my vote for a 4-foot pedal reed once again. I am thinking along the lines of something that would be appropriate for Bach's Kommst Du Nun Jesu Vom Himmel Herunter.


                • #9
                  Re: the real First Allen Elite in North America!

                  [quote user="Vercus"]

                  Hello again,

                  In regards to Opus 2, Aram Basmadjian, their president of sales informed me that it is going to Paris to a large old gothic cathedral. I'm just going by what he said. Where did you hear it's going to U.S.?



                  My information was incorrect. You are right.</P>


                  • #10
                    Re: First Allen Elite in North America!


                    Most of us would give an arm and a leg (well, maybe not, cause then we'd have trouble playing the organ), or at least we'd love to be in your position right now. Those appointments you describe for the new console are wonderful. It certainly won't look like a stock-model console. Very eye-catching, I'm sure.</P>

                    Having attended a recent 4-manual Allen dedication (Quantum technology, of course) and not being terribly excited about the sound, I had been feeling a little discouraged about Allen's direction. That particular organ was not (IMHO) very well matched to the church, under-powered andvoiced on the dull side. But the biggest blame goes to the architect for designing a church that was simply too dry for music. Good for preaching and the stage show, I guess, but unfriendly to the organ and choir.</P>

                    But this past week I got around to listening to a CD I'd purchased at the Carlo Curley program. It'sCarlo,recorded on a brand new 4-manual Allen in a San Francisco church, from the sound of it a large reverberant church. I tossed the CD into my van as I was leaving on an extended trip, and found myself listening to it over and over. What I began to hear was quite exciting.</P>

                    Carlo, of course, knows how to milk everything out of an Allen. What he got out of that one was very pleasing. In fact, I kept going back and forth between Carlo's CD and anotherof a good-size pipe organ and found myself loving the Allen sound as much as the pipe.</P>

                    Your Elite model, of course, will be even more authentic-sounding and spacious with all those audio channels and speakers. It's bound to be a glorious installation.</P>

                    Anyone who doubts that Allen still has the goods in the digital domain should give Carlo's latest CD a listen. I'm not saying this proves anything in the Allen vs Rodgers war, or in the pipe vs digital, but it says to me that a digital can make music, particularly in a sweet setting.</P>

                    To make a different point, yesterday I worked on an Allen ADC 4300 (1989) that blew me away. It is in a glorious new Presbyterian church with one of the liveliest acoustical settings I've heard in Arkansas. Pretty much a stone cathedral type of church with a very high wooden ceiling and a lot of glass too. The organ is in the balcony with a doubled-up set of speakers in a chamberbehind and above the choir. I listened down on the floor as the organist played, and I was astounded at the power and beauty. I'm sure the current Allen technology allows for more detailed authenticity, and more nuanced voicing too,but this organ reinforced my belief that the most vital thingsare the room and the size and placement of the audio system. This one was just about right.</P>

                    <P mce_keep="true"></P>
                    *** Please post your questions about technical service or repair matters ON THE FORUM. Do not send your questions to me or another member by private message. Information shared is for the benefit of the entire organ community, but other folks will not be helped by information we exchange in private messages!



                    • #11
                      Re: First Allen Elite in the World.


                      The first Elite opus II sold in the world was sold in France near PARIS with 72 stops and 86 ranks.</p>



                      • #12
                        Re: First Allen Elite in the World.

                        Well it appears we may have two Elite organs to keep us entertained. I received an e-mail from a man in France who was involved with the project. He asked if I wanted the stoplist of Opus 2. I of course said yes and asked him how the project was going. He has posted some pictures of the beautiful cathedral on my pictures site. There is a picture of the stoplist as well, but it's pretty small. When I get the stoplist from him, I'll post it. </p>

                        I have just two pictures of the sanctuary of our church which I'll post soon. I'll try to get some outside shots as well, as it really is a beautiful church too (albeit in a much different way of course). It's all brick with stained glass, built in the late 1920s, with much dark wood inside with the most unusual grain.</p>



                        • #13
                          Re: the real First Allen Elite in North America!


                          There is a 4' Clarion on the pedal, as well as a Mixture. Wouldn't this serve well enough?</p>



                          • #14
                            Re: the real First Allen Elite in North America!

                            Hello again,</p>

                            I figured I'd give an update on where we're at. Two men from Allen visited us again and took final measurements of the chambers to be able to plot out the speaker locations and requirements for shelving. Unfortunately, a few years ago A/C units were added to the chambers, so we have to build around them. I was able to see some preliminary diagrams of console layout, and things look good so far. The only thing I was a little concerned about was the tonal director's decision to place the mechanical chimes on the choir instead of the great. He was planning on putting the digital chimes on the great. I have a feeling our organist would probably prefer it the other way around. This is something that would have to be decided before the organ is built as they would be installing a contract strip or switches or something on the manual for the chimes.</p>

                            Basically at this point, it's in Allen's hands. We're just waiting until they need more information from us. I just thought I'd keep you guys updated. Once this thread fell to the second page I realized it had been too long.</p>



                            • #15
                              Re: First Allen Elite in North America!

                              Jbird, whats thetitle (and record company)of that Carlo Curley CD you bought?</P>

                              I've been looking on the internet but can't find it.</P>
                              1971 Allen Organ TC-3S (#42904) w/sequential capture system.
                              Speakers: x1 Model 100 Gyro, x1 Model 105 & x3 Model 108.

