My Church just recently made a deposit on what will most likely be the first Elite organ in the US. Opus 1 is in their showroom, Opus 2 is most likely going to France, so we would be Opus 3. We were evaluating Walker as well, but had a lot of trouble getting them to return our calls to setup dates to evaluate organs. I have heard this same thing from other people as well, and it worried both my father and I, who are on the organ committee. We live only an hour away from Allen's HQ, and as a result have become well acquainted with their staff, their facilities, as well as the service and product they provide, and have been happy all around.</p>
Before the Elite series, I don't think we would have gone with an Allen, at least not this quickly. I really felt the Quantum left something to be desired. However, the enhanced clarity and flexibility of the Elite series has brought them up to another level. I have posted a preliminary stoplist for you guys to review. You can see my suggestions handwritten. You will no doubt see the organist's suggestion for a "warmer, more symphonic" organ. However, to me it may seem a little too stringy. The ECHO division will be in the antiphonal, and can be assigned to any manual.</p>
As far as audio, we're looking at between 36-40 audio channels, so there should be a lot of individual variety of sound and clarity.</p>
I cannot divulge numbers of course, but suffice it to say Allen gave us a good discount, making an offer we couldn't refuse. Allen estimates about 8 months til install, as it will be an entirely custom organ. The first step will be a meeting at the factory were we start to pick out colors and cosmetic options. Our church has a lot of walnut wood, so I we're planning on having the case match the wood, possibly using a similar inlay to what is on the pews and doors. As far as the inside, I thought of maybe using maple, with maple sharps, and either bone or black naturals. I'll follow up here after the meeting next week to let you know where we're at. I'm excited, it's going to be fun. </p>
When we played Opus 1, I got to see their programming software, and get a basic idea how they are setup. This intrigued me, so I applied to work in their voicing / programming department in the hopes that I could get a job doing voicing, etc. I'm also going to be working with their tonal designer in the factory, helping to to final voicing on Opus 3. This will be a great opportunity for me to see the innards of how these things work.</p>