So we're back to my favorite topic, sound comparisons of various newer digital organs. I have mentioned that I know the sound of the cheaper Rodgers 525, 530, 535, and some larger, real ones which were acutally made in the US. I also know the sound of some Allens. So how does each sound in comparison to each other. Ogletree, Walker people, relax, there is no way I'd be able to afford one of those and I'm not slaming you guys by not mentioning them. How about the Baldwins we've heard (viscounts). How do their stops compare? Use descritive words. Make it sound like you are writing a recipie book.</p>
Here's my take on the Rodgers 525. The stops when heard individualy acutally sound like some fashion of a real organ. Unlike Allen, the reed stops are an imitation of acutal organ reeds. I think that some of the 16 footer sound a lot better than the 8 and 4 foot reeds, but they acutalyl sound like real organ stops. The diapason acutally has a 'ping' unlike many Allen's I've heard. The ensemble, as has been mentioned is not so great, though I have heard a lot worse, a lllllllooooooot worse. </p>
The console, though not as attractive as the Allen Protege, is decent. The 525 and 535 seem to hold up just fine. The 530, if that is indeed what it was (it's been about 10 years since I played that one I think) didn't hold up so well, but that may be because it was a 'refurbished' unit I think and acutally wasn't all that bad, I've seen pianos that have fallen apart more quickly. It was mainly the silly lighted tab stops that burned out and some occasinal pedal problems. I alwasy felt that the expression pedals were going to bend when I used them because they just seemed to be made cheaply, though I never remember them having any real problem. </p>
The Sound system on the 525 was just fine for the size of church it was in. We had a larger Rodgers, a 'real' one in the other larger church and if, for some reason over 50% of the church memebers showed up for any one particular service, I didn't have enough sound because they sang so strongly and their body mass took up precious sonic space. </p>
I think I liked the celeste on the 530, but I think the 525 wasn't as good, but they probably were exactly the same thing. </p>
Well I have to prepare for class, but I just wondered what all of you thought. There seemed to be a lot of expression of frustration about these particular Rodgers models, but I still contend that they sound better than any Allen I've ever played (mind you that is nothing above a Protege).</p>
Well, if you have videos that is even better!</p>
the buuuuzzzzzzzzzzz[8-|]