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How to Access the Menu on a Rodgers?

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  • How to Access the Menu on a Rodgers?

    Hello y'all... I'm back (somewhat) from my sabbatical - and back with a question.</p>

    Many Rodgers organs are equipped with a menu that allows one to change different settings of the instrument, such as the temperament. To get to this menu, there is a combination of buttons that one must press, and I can't remember what it was.</p>

    Does anyone know what buttons I have to press to get to this menu? I've tried multiple combinations (Set+Cancel, Cancel+General pistons, pressing and holding, etc, etc) without any luck.

    --- And while I'm on the subject, Reuter has a similar menu on their newer instruments, but I'm not sure how to access it either. Any thoughts?</p>



  • #2
    Re: How to Access the Menu on a Rodgers?

    On the Rodgers I think you press the "on" switch??? Possibly???


    • #3
      Re: How to Access the Menu on a Rodgers? Already tried it.



      • #4
        Re: How to Access the Menu on a Rodgers?


        Depends on the model. You need the owner's manual for the specific organ so you won't mess up something. They have used 3 or 4 different menu systems over the years, and I'm not completely familiar with them. When I service one I have to refer to the manual.</P>

        Onsome models, if the installer did not specifically lock them out, you can access ALL the voicing options from the menu. It's possible to totally screw up an organ that way. Even if you think you know what you are doing, you should be VERY careful about messing with that stuff.</P>

        Some have a piston labeled "Quick Menu."You press it, the display changes to a list, use the small knob by the display to click through them. Press Quick Menu again when you see what you want to modify. You may see a sub-menu which you will have to scroll through, then hit Quick Menu again.Use the big wheel with the thumb-hole to make changes.</P>

        Other models you hold Set and press the bottom of the power switch. On some models there is another whole set of options accessible by holding Cancel and pressing thebottom of the power switch, but they can be locked out by the installing dealer, as these are normally not changed after installation.</P>

        But try to find the owner's manual. It will help you more than anything.</P>

        <P mce_keep="true"></P>
        *** Please post your questions about technical service or repair matters ON THE FORUM. Do not send your questions to me or another member by private message. Information shared is for the benefit of the entire organ community, but other folks will not be helped by information we exchange in private messages!


        • #5
          Re: How to Access the Menu on a Rodgers?


          Perhaps pressing the bottom of the power switch and the "cancel" button was one of the few things I didn't try. I tried pressing the top of the power switch, but not the bottom. And it worked like magic. However, the temperament was not an option in the menu of things that could be changed. I'm going to look around for the owners manual...</p>

          By the way, this is a Rodgers 960.</p>

          Thanks so much for your help!</p>

          - sbd


          • #6
            Re: How to Access the Menu on a Rodgers?


            On a 960, I believe you hold "set" and turn the select knob (small knob that clicks) counter-clockwise. This will bring up the menu selections, one of which is temperament.</P>

            Holding "set" and turning the knob clockwise brings up the MIDI options.</P>

            Holding "cancel" and pressing the bottom of the power switch brings up voicing options, most of which are quite dangerous. The installer may have locked this menu out by changing a switch inside the organ.</P>

            *** Please post your questions about technical service or repair matters ON THE FORUM. Do not send your questions to me or another member by private message. Information shared is for the benefit of the entire organ community, but other folks will not be helped by information we exchange in private messages!


