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Allen 123-C

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  • Menschenstimme
    Any AGO bench should fit. You may have to raise up the foot-rest to clear the back of the Allen pedalboard.

    (Thank you for your generosity!)

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  • John Vanderlee
    I just got an Allen 123. I'd like to give it to an organ student so he can practice at home. One 'slight' (haha) problem is that the bench and the music desk are missing. Anyone have either kicking around? the pedal is full sized AGO and only Allen benches will fit.
    Email me at [email protected] if you can help?


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  • Clavier
    Re: Allen 123-C

    Well, actually I can't comment on the reeds at this moment because I haven't played my Allen in over a month. It's currently in another state. I can tell you this, though: It makes a pretty nice sound. I find it quite suitable for a practice instrument and would recommend one to anyone, BUT you have to keep in mind, I got mine for free. My total investment in this organ is $175, (reverb/attenuators). I personally wouldn't pay more than $800 for a stock 2m MOS 1 Allen. $300-500 is a more realistic price for such an instrument. With $2400 you could likely get something much newer/more capable. If you want one though, watch Ebay. They come up often, (for sane prices).</p>

    PS: Al, I would still really like to buy three of those MIDI adapters from you. </p>



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  • Guest
    Guest replied
    Re: Allen 123-C

    Hi, All</P>

    Al is still around!</P>

    That is a wonderful instrument and I might be able to dig up some midi adapters for it if it isn't already upgraded.</P>

    The resistor mentioned is necessary for the swell pedal to work. A reverb has a low output impedance which does not permit the shunting effect of the light controlled resistor in the swell pedal. Adding the series resistor raises the impedance, allowing this function to work. </P>

    Remember the MOS series organ audio is low level around .1V. You really need to boost this to line level (1V) for good signal to noise ratio on reverb or mixer or whatever processing is used. A trick to do this is built in the T100 amplifier! The T100 has a built in preamp that feeds line level (1V) to the level adjustment potentiometer on the amplifier. You can connect the preamp output to an added phono plug (line out) and potentiometer to an added phono plug (amplifier line input) This way you don't need the series resistor, and your processing is at line (1V) level. If any of you need a schematic, email me at ([email protected]). I'll make a pdf file if desired. Later Allens operate at line level. If you get a T100 amp be sure it has the preamp built in. Lastly, the T100 is a powerful amplifier with response from 10 Hz to above 50 Khz. Even the newer amps can't compare with this. If it gets hum replace the 2 large electrolytic capacitors </P>

    As a side note I got a Lexicon MX400 reverb and it is very good. I use it for both Allen and Pipe reverb. It has 4 channels and surround sound but I haven't tried that yet.</P>


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  • Guest
    Guest replied
    Re: Allen 123-C


    How do you like your 301C?? There is one near my house for sale for $2,400.</p>

    I like my WurliTzer, but has no solo reeds other than an Oboe. How do your reeds sound with your reverb module?</p>


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  • Clavier
    Re: Allen 123-C

    Just use these:</p>



    Also, I highly recommend this reverb unit:</p>


    I use one on my Allen 301-c:</p>


    It's has a <u>much</u> better quality sound than the nanoverb.

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  • CDDuBois
    Guest replied
    Re: Allen 123-C


    I just came across the following information in my vertical file cabinet:</p>

    from Alan Johnson [[email protected]] Monday November 6, 2006: The output of the [Alesis] Nanoverb that goes to the amplifier has to have a 10K ohm resistor in series with the center conductor, otherwise you will not have any swell control. Each channel needs this. Regards, Al</p>

    At the time, Alan Johnson was a contributor to the Organ Forum. Hope this information is useful to you.</p>


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  • CDDuBois
    Guest replied
    Re: Allen 123-C

    Kfussy, Send your query about losing expression pedal control when hooking up the Alesis to Buzzyreed. I believe he mentioned many months ago about the necessity of inserting either a capacitor or a resistor (I can't remember which or what value) in the line to the Alesis, but I have lost that information.

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  • CDDuBois
    Guest replied
    Re: Allen 123-C

    You wrote: I've picked up two more H-15 speakers to add to the existing two
    speakers that I have. I should be able to raise the roof of the house
    now. I'd like to know if there is any special way to hook up the other
    two speakers in order to take full advantage of the channels in the
    organ. I'm guessing that it is only a two channel organ. Any help on these matters will be greatly appreciated.</p>

    If your 123-C is a two-channel organ, you would need two amplifiers, each of them feeding two H-15 speakers, to separate the Flute and Diapason channels. My TC-4 has three channels and came with two Gyrophonic cabinets, one for Flute and one for Diapason and Reed. So I bought another T-50 amplifier and use it to feed the Reed channel separately to an HC-9 and an HC-15 in parallel. I like it and don't really miss the rotating sound on the Reeds.</p>

    By the way, if you might want to double up speakers, there is an excellent article at http://www.dancetech.com/aa_dt_new/pa/construction.cfm on impedence matching when adding speakers. I found it very helpful.

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  • kfussy63
    Re: Allen 123-C

    I bought a used Alesis NanoVerb on ebay for a steal. I proceeded to hook it up and found that the results were great. One technical point is that I lost control of the expression pedal even though I didn't do anything with the cables connected to it. Has anyone else experienced this on their Allen or Rodgers?? Perhaps the technical "gods" John and Al could shed some light on this matter.</P>



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  • nullogik
    Re: Allen 123-C

    Out of interest, how long did it take the tech to fit the Nanoverb?</P>

    I would like to add some reverb to my TC-3S at some point in the future, so I'll need to start putting some money aside as I don't have the know-how to do it myself.</P>

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  • Guest
    Guest replied
    Re: Allen 123-C

    Not sure- I don't know the "tech specs" behind it as someone else installed it. All I know is the we needed to drill a whole trough the wood in order to mount it in an attractive way under the bottom manual of the organ

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  • kfussy63
    Re: Allen 123-C


    I've been thinking about it being that the sound is very dry. I looked on line and see that the Alesis NanoVerb runs about $100. My 123 has four inputs and the Alesis has two, so it looks like I would need two of them, correct?</P>

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  • Guest
    Guest replied
    Re: Allen 123-C

    To continue on the reverb idea- I recently purchased an Alesis NanoVerb and had a tech. add it to my Rodgers 100 Analog organ, and its fantastic- TONS of different reverb settings and other audio effects, and not too expensive

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  • NYCFarmboy
    Re: Allen 123-C

    I"ll see about pulling the boards on it and bringing them back to the United States (I'll try reconnecting everything first). (The organ is in south america and only gets played at Christmastime when i'm down here for the holidays). will post back if things work after I fiddle with it more!

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