For quite a while now I've been mulling over buying a digital instrument for home practice purposes. Given the fact that I'm shortly to resign my church position, my mulling is increasing. While the budget doesn't really exist at the moment, somewhere in my head I was thinking of a €15,000 limit. I'm based in Dublin (the Irish one!) so US digitals are not an option (and US prices not representative!)</p>
From my brief looking round the web it seems that both Phoenix (N. Ireland) and Wyvern (England) might be the right kind of thing, but in truth I have no idea what I'm dealing with. I don't think I've ever played a "good" digital in my life -- any Allens I've played on in churches have been really grim and nothing at all like the real thing -- so obviously I'd have to look very closely and audition extensively before I made any kind of decision. In the meantime has anyone got any experience with either of these makes? Are they satisfying to play on any level? I'm a reasonably advanced player, and the organ would be used to learn fairly serious repertoire, rather than bashing out hymns or whatever.</p>
Any thoughts?</p>