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Can I get a confirmation that the ADC-220 is non-AGO?

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  • Can I get a confirmation that the ADC-220 is non-AGO?

    Hi everyone,

    Glad we seem to have survived the forum transfer, except for a few blank posts here and there. :-)

    I came across an Allen ADC-220 recently. Seller lists no dimensions, one list (a flyer I think) I can find online says width is around 51", which would be a non-AGO pedalboard to my understanding, and another person says width of another ADC-220 is 54".

    The stickied thread doesn't seem to shed much light and I didn't find much in searches either. Can anyone please confirm that the ADC-220 has either an AGO or non-AGO pedalboard?

    Thank you,


    Baldwin: D421A; Allen: ADC-220 - 1986; Conn: 465 Deluxe Caprice w/pair of 144 pipe speakers; Kimball: R-80 Broadway, S-20 Valencia III; Western Cottage Organ Co. Reed Organ
    Lots of synths, accordions, stringed instruments, percussion, etc.

  • #2
    The brochure is here: the 2nd page shows dimensions. This is the "compact" pedalboard, also known as "Princess"--i.e., smaller than AGO.


    • #3
      To the best of my memory, when I started selling Allen Organs, the MDS series was introduced and the smallest organs were still the ADC series. I looked at the ADC-220 brochure and it did not refer to the pedalboard as AGO. They are, by many, referred to as the princess pedalboards.

      John (jbird) will you please confirm. Thanks, Allen.

      Toodles, I was posting the same time as you!


      • #4
        Thank you both. That is what I was thinking. I feel bad for whoever bought the one in an old Ebay listing that was sold as AGO with the dimensions all wrong. Thank you.
        Baldwin: D421A; Allen: ADC-220 - 1986; Conn: 465 Deluxe Caprice w/pair of 144 pipe speakers; Kimball: R-80 Broadway, S-20 Valencia III; Western Cottage Organ Co. Reed Organ
        Lots of synths, accordions, stringed instruments, percussion, etc.


        • timnc
          timnc commented
          Editing a comment
          Yes, sadly there is a lot of inaccuracies in descriptions when folks are selling them. I recently purchased the ADC-220 for home and saw more than one advertising AGO pedal boards. All in all it's not too bad switching between the princess at home and the AGO at my church. I still find the AGO easier and it's better to have the more challenging one at home than the other way around.

      • #5
        Yes, the ADC-220 has princess pedals. Easy to confuse the 220 with the 420, which was identical in specs except for being in a slightly larger console and having true AGO pedals.

        In the MDS time period, there were only the MDS-1 and MDS-2 and the AP-2 and AP-3 with princess pedals.

        These are the classical models at least. There were theater models as well with princess pedals, but I'm not familiar with those at all.
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