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Baldwin Model 632

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  • Baldwin Model 632

    I'm looking for a good practice organ and have seen a Baldwin 632 can anyone give me any information on this instrument? </p>

    The seller is asking $500.</p>




  • #2
    Re: Baldwin Model 632

    If everyone works on it, snap it up. It is a nice little instrument.

    My home organ is a Theatre III with an MDS II MIDI Expander.


    • #3
      Re: Baldwin Model 632

      Here: 9QQrdZ1QQssPageNameZWD1VQQ_trksidZp1638.m118.l1247 QQcmdZViewItem</p>


      That's an ebay link to a Baldwin C630. They may be similar. </p>

      Baldwin would be good for a practice organ (if you are looking for an older used one). Make sure that you can't get a Rodgers or Allen first...those are the top two


      • #4
        Re: Baldwin Model 632

        The 632 is quite a bit newer than the 630. The 632 has the computerized control system that Baldwin came up with to replace all those erratic key contacts and corroding stop tabs they were using back in the days of the 630.</P>

        I don't remember just exactly what a 632 is like, but I believe it has a capture system, or at least the pistons can be changed up by setting some DIP switches in the back. The sound is smooth and pleasant, with the attack and decay characteristics controlled by the transistor keyers rather than those awful "gradual contact" keyswitches of older Baldwins. The tuning is master oscillator with dividers, but they used a unique system that provided 3 or 4 distinct tuning bases all derived from the same master, so that alternate octaves of the principals are shifted subtly in pitch and there is an authentic celeste stop too.</P>

        The voices are much more pleasant than older Baldwins too, with the keyers capable of passing square waves, pulse, and triangle waves which are readily filtered into rather realistic flutes, reeds, and diapason tones.</P>

        If it's in good condition, it is certainly worth $500. Service advice and parts are available from MusicElectronics in Springdale, Arkansas, the successors to the old Baldwinorgan plant in Fayetteville, Arkansas.</P>

        <P mce_keep="true"></P>
        *** Please post your questions about technical service or repair matters ON THE FORUM. Do not send your questions to me or another member by private message. Information shared is for the benefit of the entire organ community, but other folks will not be helped by information we exchange in private messages!


        • #5
          I am very familiar with the Baldwin 632, I was in charge of our church purchasing a new one and played it several years. The organ complete with the antif. speakers. Cost $10,000.00. Yes $500.00 would be a good price, even if needed some minor repairs. In fact the church is not using it and has offered it to me. I no longer am a member of the church. I am a pianist for 2 churches and one has a small pipe organ, We are going to give away the pipe organ (if we can find an interested party, the organ was built in 1994 by Kanawha Organ Works) and replace it with the 632.

