After about a year with the ADC 7000 in my house, I have come to realize that taking up a bedroom with nine speakers (3 HC-12s and 6 HC-15s) and two racks of amplifiers is not the best use of space. Also, with the speakers down the hall in a bedroom, the level of sound is not the best. I am sure it's blasting in that room, and I'm even more sure the neighbors hear it well. It's just not an ideal listening experience for my guests and me.
So I was thinking of going to powered speakers. The only thing I am not sure how to do is make the pedal sound adequate. The other option is to have some cabinets custom built with four channels in one cabinet and five channels in the other. I have noted when Allen builds a multi-channel organ with internal speakers, there is only one 15-inch speaker, and there are x number of mid-range and tweeter speakers. How do they accomplish this?
As always, I appreciate the thoughts and feedback of Forum members. Thank you.
After about a year with the ADC 7000 in my house, I have come to realize that taking up a bedroom with nine speakers (3 HC-12s and 6 HC-15s) and two racks of amplifiers is not the best use of space. Also, with the speakers down the hall in a bedroom, the level of sound is not the best. I am sure it's blasting in that room, and I'm even more sure the neighbors hear it well. It's just not an ideal listening experience for my guests and me.
So I was thinking of going to powered speakers. The only thing I am not sure how to do is make the pedal sound adequate. The other option is to have some cabinets custom built with four channels in one cabinet and five channels in the other. I have noted when Allen builds a multi-channel organ with internal speakers, there is only one 15-inch speaker, and there are x number of mid-range and tweeter speakers. How do they accomplish this?
As always, I appreciate the thoughts and feedback of Forum members. Thank you.