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Info for a rodgers 705 or one like it.

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  • Info for a rodgers 705 or one like it.

    I am still in a hunt for an organ. I came across a very nice organ to me. I was thinking of a broken Conn 650 for free, but Now I was offered a FREE rodgers 705. It is a 2 manual organ with a small but deceant stop list. It is set up for a positive pipe connection. It has one expression. I would like to know more about this organ, is the sound good for its age? Is it good for any music type? Is it reliable?</p>

    JUST TO[img]file:///C:/Users/Brandon/Desktop/DSC03330.JPG[/img] MAK[img]file:///C:/Users/Brandon/Desktop/DSC03330.JPG[/img][img]file:///C:/Users/Brandon/Desktop/DSC03330.JPG[/img]E YOU JEALOUS= IT HAS WOODEN KEYS!!!! dark wood sharps, and white naturals. BEAUTIFUL!! \</p>

    I would like a manual too!</p>



  • #2
    Re: Info for a rodgers 705 or one like it.


    This model dates from about 1983-86. I believe it was a fairly small instrument. The sound would have been good for that era. Reliability would be good as well. This would be a pre-MIDI organ (at least in it's original configuration). Sounds like it has optional expensive keyboards.</p>

    Since the price is right - start up that old pickup truck and get it!.</p>

    I may have the schematics for the organ, but surely they are available from Rodgers.</p>




    • #3
      Re: Info for a rodgers 705 or one like it.


      Of all the organs you've mentioned lately, I'd say this is the most likely to work for you. It is a decent, even quite interesting little self-contained analog. As Arie notes, thiis is mid-80's technology, which includes the very reliable serial keying system and lighted tab double memory capture.</P>

      Just set one up last month in a little church. They had found it free for the taking and it was a better organ than their tired old 1960-something Allen analog. We hooked it up to external speakers and it sounded even better than I believed it could.It sounded pretty decent just playing through its built-in speakers too.</P>

      It is standard Rodgersentry-level fare: a diapason rank, a flute rank, and a few straight 8'stops, such as a trompette, an oboe, maybe a string or two. There is no celeste rank, but there is a tab marked "celeste" that channels the flutes, strings, and diapasons through a bucket-brigade device that creates a pleasing undulating effect something like a celeste. Thankfully, they were smart enough not to run the reeds through this, and when you draw a mixture the diapasons are instantly removed from the celeste circuit.</P>

      The one you're looking at has nice keys, and the pedals are AGO, of course. You may find it not to be in perfect working order, and it will probably need tuning and maybe some voicing. But for free you can't go wrong.</P>

      <P mce_keep="true"></P>
      *** Please post your questions about technical service or repair matters ON THE FORUM. Do not send your questions to me or another member by private message. Information shared is for the benefit of the entire organ community, but other folks will not be helped by information we exchange in private messages!


      • #4
        Re: Info for a rodgers 705 or one like it.

        Oh, regarding the manual -- the owner's manual might not be too useful to you, except that it explains how to unlock the capture. This is the single greatest point of confusion for organists not accustomed to Rodgers LTG and MICASKO organs. This has been explained several times on the forum, so you don't really need the manual just for that. Otherwise it's just a basic little guide for the beginning organist. But it's very cheap, probably only $5, and Rodgers will sell you one if you call them.</P>

        The service manual is not published separately for the 705, but is part of a huge thick manual covering almost all the LTG 2-manual organs. It probably costs a lot of money and I doubt Rodgers will sell one outside their dealer and service network. You might find one on eBay or another such site.</P>

        *** Please post your questions about technical service or repair matters ON THE FORUM. Do not send your questions to me or another member by private message. Information shared is for the benefit of the entire organ community, but other folks will not be helped by information we exchange in private messages!


        • #5
          Re: Info for a rodgers 705 or one like it.

          Actually it is in full working order. no problems! What do you mean by tuning and voicing? Can you do that on this organ? Thanks for the info. The guy said he will remove my CV and put in the rodgers. HOW MUCH BETTER CAN IT GET??????</p>


          It has unfortunatly only 2 reeds. A trompette and Oboe at 8'.</p>

          But I want the organ because I can GET A GRAND ORGAN, LARGER SOUND WITH THE great/pedal 8', swell/ pedal 8' and swell/pedal 4' there is a swell/swell 16', unison, and 4', there is a swell/great 16', 8' and 4'</p>

          With all those couplers, WHO KNOWS what it will sound like, my neighbors may complain if I install some new Viscount loud speakers!!?</p>

          there is a harp, carillon, grand piano 16', piano 16', Harpsichord, harpsichord unenclosed, and a glockenspiel.</p>

          I cant wait to get this organ! I am excited!


          • #6
            Re: Info for a rodgers 705 or one like it.

            Hehe. Here is the thing. I dont have to go anywhere. I just sit back, relax and enjoy myself as he takes my organ and leaves his! </p>


            I would like the schematics. It may come in handy if I add midi some day to it.</p>



            • #7
              Re: Info for a rodgers 705 or one like it.


              If this one has the harpsichord, it's a nice effect. The piano is not so great. But those are options and may not be installed even though the tabs are there. The glockenspiel is a real struck-bar external device that is also an option (a very expensive option too).</P>

              Tuning: all Rodgers (and Allen, etc.) analog organs have a tunable oscillator for each pitch. You'll probably find97 in this model. 61 for the compass of an 8' stop, plus 12 more to extend down to 16', and 24 more to extend upward to the top of the 2' stops.</P>

              Each oscillator has a tuning adjustment, and you'll need a tuning meter of some kind to tune them, although you may find that the organ is already in pretty good tune. I wouldn't worry about it unless it sounds out of tune to you. But generally these organs benefit from a tuning every few years.</P>

              DON'T ATTEMPT to tune it until you have been shown exactly what to do because you could badly damage an oscillator coil trying to tune it improperly. Repairing a coil that has been twisted and broken will be very expensive, so don't do it!</P>

              Voicing: each stop (or each unit rank) has a level control, and there are other controls that affect the balance among the stops, the brightness, the tremulant speed, depth, and saturation, and other tonal qualities. These controls may or may not need some adjustment, depending on whether or not the voicing was properly done at the time of the sale, and on whether or not someone has come along and monkeyed with it without knowing what he's doing.</P>

              So, as with tuning, don'tplay with the voicing controls unless and until you are sure you know what you are doing.</P>

              Good luck. Let us know about the organ when you get it.</P>

              <P mce_keep="true"></P>
              *** Please post your questions about technical service or repair matters ON THE FORUM. Do not send your questions to me or another member by private message. Information shared is for the benefit of the entire organ community, but other folks will not be helped by information we exchange in private messages!



              • #8
                Re: Info for a rodgers 705 or one like it.

                Well thank you very much for telling me before I accidentaly did it. </p>

                I wont be getting for a few days or maybe a week. I don't want to wait and wish it could be here now.


                • #9
                  Re: Info for a rodgers 705 or one like it.

                  AV.. it is five yrs later and i have a Rodgers model 22 something i need a schematic for.. any ideas?</p>


