I'm going to be playing at a new church this Sunday, and they have a low end Allen MOS organ. It's got a lot of distortion on the principals and strings. Enough that it's quite obvious, and unpleasant to play and hear. Especially on the principals/diapasons. This occurs at all octaves/stops within that family. The flutes sound just fine, in all situations. Reeds are okay, but that may be just because MOS reeds aren't that good anyway. I should add that this distortion occurs evenly and without regard to volume level.
I am a little confused as to what would cause this, and wondering if I want to take this position and have to play this wreck on a weekly basis. Does anyone have any ideas as to what could cause this?</p>
I don't know the model, but I'll tell you what I can:</p>
2 Manual, no capture action. Only 5 blind presets which don't appear settable unless it was from within the console. On the right was an single digit LED indicating which preset was active. </p>
No roll top, instead it has that flip top like they used in the 50s. No celeste of any type. On the left side, it has some rocker buttons: Sharp Attack Great, Sharp Attack Swell, Random Motion Off, and another which I forget. Had one expression pedal. No crescendo. Has 4 speakers. As far as my ears can tell, I haven't heard any separation from division to division. I have no idea how it's split up, if it is. It could all be mono for all I know.
Has a fair amount of stops really, pretty complete for a 2m organ, minus the celeste. Has mixtures in each division, including pedal. Reminds me of a smaller version of my church's 632-D minus the choir manual, capture action, and card reader.
It has transpose and brightness knobs.
I thought that perhaps there was a slight upside- it has 22 full size chimes! Until I went to play them and half of them are either cracked or don't play right. Great.</p>
Playing this one just reaffirms my belief that the analog organs really were more enjoyable to play than their early digital counterparts. </p>