Our old Conn 717 is nearing 40 years old and is at the end of its life. We our looking for a new organ and have narrowed it down to 2 models, the Allen L-9 and the Rodgers Allegiant 658. We were wondering as to the opinion of the users of this forum on either / both organs as to which may be the best one. </P>
Our church is Anglican/Episcopalian with both a traditional choir and a contemporary group. Our music director directs both groups and wants to maintain the traditional choir with all the sung responses and hymns done on the organ and the contemporary music with the band and keyboard.</P>
Your feedback would be greatly appreciated. I'am an organ buff myself andonly discovered this forum a few days ago while perusing the internet for info on these two instruments. Its a great medium and will probably be on it often. I justown a Baldwin Fanfare spinet myself.</P>
Thanks, Art V</P>