Hello. Non-organist with question. Our congregation is looking to replace the now-ailing Yamaha Electone HS-8 we have had for many years. We use it as an accompaniment instrument to the piano, using the Automatic Bass Chord function on it to play single bass notes on the lower manual so that when the congregation of up to 5000 sings (traditional hymns), these booming bass notes keep everyone singing together. The ones who play the Electone do not actually know how to play the organ but are pianists; therefore we are not able to use the foot pedals but we do need the foot pedal sound. We also play the melody line on the upper manual but that is somewhat secondary. We can of course change to playing more than one note in the bass if the keyboard isn't as rich as the Electone with ABC.
Since the newer model Electones are not sold in the US, we need to look at organ keyboards. We can spend up to around 2000. Can you give us some recommendations? Particularly, what feature should we look for to help us get those foot pedal sounds? Thanks!
Since the newer model Electones are not sold in the US, we need to look at organ keyboards. We can spend up to around 2000. Can you give us some recommendations? Particularly, what feature should we look for to help us get those foot pedal sounds? Thanks!