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Hammond 8022km leslie

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  • Hammond 8022km leslie


    I'm very new to Hammonds, well in the ownership at least. I was given a 8022 km Aurora or Cougar???. Its not what i would really choose but for free, take it away get it going or scrap it i was told.</P>

    So I picked it up (and dropped it) today, Soooooo heavy. Well i plugged it in, stood well back and lit the fuse. It squeaked and fizzed and popped then gave a grand impression of a thunderstom. Oh dear. So I read some of your threads and pulled all the plugs from the power supply unit, cleaned em up and now its muchquieter, just a bit of hum at full thottle.</P>

    The leslie didnt work but i got it going in the end on fast but not slow. Looks like a small belt of ring is missing from the slow motor pulley.</P>

    So, now i'm on a mission. Could someone out there advise me on what type of smoothing capacitors are needed for power unit and what part is mising from the slow motor pulley in the Leslie, a tyre perhaps?</P>

    Its far too good to scrap just yet although when i finally find a tone wheel (L100 or some other nicerderivative) I may well gigit to death in an </P>

    Emerson like routine. </P>

    Not many guys gigging around Northampton U.K with a "proper organ" but my band collegues insist. Ah well, it should be fun until I find a tonewheel. No destruction for that tho....LOL!</P>

    great site folks, hope you can help.</P>


  • #2
    Re: Hammond 8022km leslie

    Welcome to the forum! It seems to be a quiet day. Not many around. They must all be out picking up Hammonds and Leslies!</p>

    I can't help with your organ (too new). The old, old (like me) tube amp tonewheel models are more familiar to me.</p>

    If your Leslie is like most, it is probably the rubber belt (tyre as you say) is either missing or has flattened out and the drive rod from the slow motor is not engaging. If the belt is still there, simply rotate it until the flat spot disappears and a round edge shows up. That may fix it. If not that, and the belt is still there, you will have to adjust the screw on the slow motor to get it to engage. Belts are plentiful on ebay if yours is missing.'s worth it.
    Hammonds: A; AB; B3; D; E; 6-M3's; 2-A100; T582C.
    Leslies: 3-31H; 21H, 22H, 4-44W; 46W; 25; 47; 45; 125; 50C; 51; 55C; 2-120; 122; 122A; 145; 147; 245; 770; 825; 2-102; 2-103; 300.
    Wicks 2/5 pipe organ; Yamaha upright; Kurzweil Micro Piano & Micro B with M-Audio Oxygen 61; Yamaha DGX520; Wurlitzer 4100 (it came with a Leslie!). Peavey KB100 keyboard amp. Peavey Bass Guitar. Yes, I have A. D. (acquisition disorder) and don't want it cured.


    • #3
      Re: Hammond 8022km leslie

      Hey Dude,</p>

      I am also a recent aquirerer of a Hammond 8222 M Aurora series. All works on mine with the exception of both upper and lower keyboard slide contacts which have been broken free and need soldering. I realize our organs don't touch B3's but by god they are close aren't they. In your case for free and from my case $45.00. I have not been in a band since 1969 but instead play along with practice loops that do me well for an old white haired dude.I only wish Hammond would have spent the money elsewhere instead of building in all the percussion buttons that I never use. what a waste!

      If you haven't found a solution for your belt problem, I wonder if Graingers Tools &amp; Supply may be of help. It won't be an official Leslie belt, but I know for a fact they carry belts of all kinds and design. Good luck with you dinasaur and finding a Tone-Wheel model. There isn't a replacement for a B3, just a good for now keyboard from the beginning of the end when Hammond went astray trying to compete with Thomas and Allan. Keep plinking my friend,</p>


      PS. . .any ideas on installing an upper horn set-up to go with your rotating drum Leslie? I'm looking for a way and will keep you informed if you are interested. Also. . .check out YouTube for home built 'Leslies'. Some are hilarious while others kick ass.


      • #4
        Re: Hammond 8022km leslie

        Hope all goes well with the Aurora... I have one... cost 29 bucks... and after a good claen all is fine, no exc. [;)] Except... The G# in the PEDAL is dead.. and I cannot find it....</p>

        I WILL NOT hijack this thread!! (but if TOM would ever feel free, I would like to know on some thread, and plan to check the old threads on building a passable LESLIE from scratch.. as I cannot afford todays prices.... )</p>

        Good luck with Aurora!! John


        • #5
          Re: Hammond 8022km leslie


          Check out the "removing an internal Leslie" thread that should be just a few away from this one--I just described a way to build an upper horn assembly, and the rest of the details are on the "Building Your Own Leslie" thread in the "Home Organs" section of the forum.
          1955 M3 (in good hands!)
          1962 A100
          1942 BC
          too many other keyboards...

