I've been given a solid state Hammond 8002km. and since last sundays posting things are progessing well with its rebuild so i can eventuallygive it away.</P>
I refuse to scrap it and most of the contact cleaning has been done, plugs de-oxed, and a washing machine type leslie works now,so it is now an organ that works....sort of.</P>
However one small problem has shown itself. and i'm not sure if i caused it with all the internal cleaning or if it is something more terminal.</P>
The problem is in the upper manual only. If all the drawbars are pushed home, sono sound will play, then i pull out the 16` drawbar alone, all notes play except "b" in all octaves.....nothing. So, i'm thinking what is common to the bnote in all octaves on that particulardrawbar which would render it silent? any ideas folks? The b note is fine with all other drawbars.</P>
It all seems a bit deep for me but any help to diagnose the fault will be most appreciated.</P>